Guide for responsible corporate engagement in climate policy.
12:01 am EST (New York) // 5:01 GMT (UK) // 6:01 CET (Warsaw)
A Caring for Climate Report
Business Case
A Caring for Climate Report by the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), the sec-
retariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP), in cooperation with the World Resources Institute (WRI), CDP,
WWF, Ceres and The Climate Group.
The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the United Nations (including the United
Nations Global Compact, the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
and United Nations Environment Programme), World Resources Institute (WRI), CDP, WWF, Ceres, and The
Climate Group. The inclusion of company examples in this publication is intended strictly for learning purposes
and does not constitute an endorsement of the individual companies by the United Nations and authors of this
report. The material in this publication may be quoted and used provided there is proper attribution.
© 2013, UN Global Compact, the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UN Envi-
ronment Programme, the World Resources Institute (WRI), CDP, WWF, Ceres and The Climate Group.
The material in this publication is copyrighted. The UN Global Compact encourages the dissemination of the
content for educational purposes. Content from this publication may be used freely without prior permis-
sion, provided that clear attribution is given to UN Global Compact, the secretariat of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change, UN Environment Programme, the World Resources Institute (WRI), CDP,
WWF, Ceres and The Climate Group, and that content is not used for commercial purposes.
Creative Commons License
Copyright 2013 UN Global Compact.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative Works 3.0
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UN Global Compact Contributors:
Lila Karbassi, Heidi Huusko
UNFCCC Contributor:
Fernando Castellanos Silveira
UNEP Contributors:
Merlyn VanVoore,
Seraphine Haeussling
WRI Contributors:
Eliot Metzger, Yamide Dagnet
Samantha Putt del Pino,
Jennifer Morgan, Kirsty Jenkinson
CDP Contributors:
Ben Watson, Tom Carnac
WWF Contributors:
Alberto Carillo Pineda,
Stefan Henningsson, Marty Spitzer
Ceres Contributors:
Lance Pierce, Anne Kelly
The Climate Group Contributors:
Jim Walker, Damian Ryan
Project Manager:
Heidi Huusko, UN Global Compact,
Lead, Research and Analysis:
Eliot Metzger, WRI,
Adviser to the UN Global
Compact and consulting writer:
Jules Peck,
Hedie Assadi Joulaee
Clare Saxon, The Climate Group
Foreword Statements
Engagement by the private sector that is collaborative, serious and solutions-ori-
ented is vital, and can help ensure widespread support for sustainability, climate
action and broader UN goals. With leading technological and social innovations
already in place, there is enormous potential to produce results if greater scale is
achieved. The time is ripe for enlightened business leaders to scale up corporate
sustainability by engaging responsibly on climate policy, ultimately helping to
drive energy effciency, renewables and technology in a low-carbon economy.
Georg Kell
Executive Director
United Nations Global Compact
Governments have provided a policy signal and are working on further clarity.
But the private sector need not wait for policy perfection. Business leaders can
demonstrate and communicate the need for long-term energy plans, increased
effciency and climate-friendly investment—policies benefcial to the triple bot-
tom line. This in turn, gives governments the support they need to act on the
international stage.
Christiana Figueres
Executive Secretary
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Environmental change is accelerating and generating new and emerging chal-
lenges but also opportunities for business. Companies that face up to these reali-
ties are likely to be the ones that survive and indeed thrive in a rapidly evolving
world where factors such as climate change and dwindling availability of natural
resources will shape future patterns of proft and loss while driving new and
smarter markets.
Achim Steiner
United Nations Environment Programme
The science and economics of climate change are clear. Failure to act now would
be risky, costly, and irresponsible. Fortunately, there are infuential leaders in
the private sector who recognize this. By taking the actions in this report, they
can help inform and support effective climate policy.
Andrew Steer
President and Chief Executive Offcer
World Resources Institute
In the past, efforts by some corporations have signifcantly slowed the emergence
of climate change legislation and this has created unacceptable risks to public
safety in general, as well as fduciary investors in particular. All investors need
to understand the risk posed to their whole portfolios by irresponsible corporate
engagement seeking to delay climate policy, and the value created by a responsible,
pro-climate business voice in helping policymakers deliver on their responsibili-
ties to protect citizens. With the date for agreement on a global climate deal set for
2015, this report shows how businesses can play a positive role in helping politi-
cians and civil society deliver a robust, necessary outcome over the next two years.
Paul Simpson
Chief Executive Offcer
Addressing climate change, stopping deforestation and building a sustainable fu-
ture powered by 100 per cent renewable energy has never been more urgent. We
applaud companies acting according to climate science and pushing policymak-
ers to take forceful action on this major planetary risk. WWF supports the guide-
lines from this broad partnership, which require companies to make sure their
lobbying is aligned with what scientists tell us must be done, and asks corporate
leaders to get trade associations to move from defending the fossil fuel status quo
to calling for climate action and a sustainable future for people and planet alike.
Jim Leape
Director General
WWF International
While some are holding fast to old models of doing business, true leaders of 21st
century companies are charting a new course toward a clean energy economy.
They see the risks, the opportunities, and the need for policy action. By follow-
ing the best practices set forth in this report, responsible businesses will model
effective participation in the democratic process and help to inform meaningful
climate policy.
Mindy S. Lubber
President and Chief Executive Offcer
With public scrutiny – and distrust – of the corporate world more intense than
ever before, businesses need to follow their words on climate with initiatives that
affect real, tangible, measurable change, and engage in policy debates in a man-
ner that is ethical, consistent and transparent. Climate leadership is not some
sort of “moral” imperative: it entails real business benefts and the avoidance of
real business risks. Active, responsible and transparent engagement in support-
ing policies consistent with imperatives of climate science lies at the heart of this
leadership: this report provides a tool to guide such engagement.
Mark Kenber
The Climate Group
SECTION 1: Context for Engaging in Climate Policy 10
Purpose and scope of this report 11
Important context for infuencing climate policy 12
A business case for responsible engagement 14
SECTION 2: Five Core Elements of Responsible 19
Policy Engagement
Legitimacy 20
Opportunity 21
Consistency 22
Accountability 22
Transparency 24
SECTION 3: Three Actions to Put Responsible 28
Engagement into Practice
Identify the company’s climate change risks, 30
opportunities, and policy infuences
Align words with actions, ambitions, and infuences 32
(both direct and indirect)
Report on policy positions, infuences, and outcomes 34
CONCLUSION: Take action 36
APPENDIX A: Methodology 37
APPENDIX B: Successes and Challenges for 41
Corporate Engagement
APPENDIX C: Examples of Sectors Taking Action 48
APPENDIX D: Caring for Climate Statement 50
The Positive Role of Business in
Accelerating Climate Change
Policy Action
This report is not designed to make the case
that climate change—or global warming—is
the greatest threat facing the world today.
Climate scientists from across the globe, as
well as military and economic analysts, have
already established the severity of the issue
and the scale of the challenge.
And neither is this report designed to
make the case that policy responses are
needed, or what those policies should look
like. More than 190 countries have al-
ready agreed—starting back in 1992—that
a response to climate change is urgently
In 2009, countries further agreed to
“take action” to limit warming to less than 2
degrees Celsius.
Instead, this report is designed to help
companies inform and accelerate the policies
most urgently needed to support a stable
global economy. And it is designed to help
businesses engage in national and interna-
tional debates, with a view to contribute to
political progress on reducing carbon dioxide
) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
sions, and adapt to disruptions in the global
climate system.
Business support and policy endorsements
are powerful. They provide trusted perspec-
tives on the economic costs and benefts of
policy options. They can also infuence oth-
ers within their industry, supply chain, or
customer base.
In the 20 years since countries frst rec-
ognized the need to act on climate change,
many companies and industry groups have
engaged in subsequent national and inter-
national policy debates. Some have taken
defensive positions, protecting business-as-
usual. Others have been constructive, look-
ing ahead to the future of their industry and
working with policymakers to create the pol-
icies needed to support a strong, low-carbon
economy. Some have done a mix of both and
many others have avoided political debates
altogether, choosing to observe silently.
Among signatories to the UN Global
Compact, a platform which brings compa-
nies together to ensure they align with ten
universal principles
, there is a mixed record
on public policy engagement. Of the 1,700
companies that responded to the UN Global
Compact’s Annual Implementation Survey,
an annual online survey of Global Impact
participants to identify developments related
to corporate sustainability, approximately 60
per cent said they publicly advocate for ac-
tion in relation to the Global Compact prin-
ciples and/or other UN goals. However, only
30 per cent align traditional government
affairs activities, such as lobbying, with their
corporate responsibility commitments, such
as reducing GHG emissions.
However, as part of their engagement in
the UN Global Compact Caring for Climate
initiative, a subset of 350 Global Compact
signatories have made an important commit-
ment, which the Caring for Climate Progress
Report 2013 indicates 62 per cent of compa-
nies now fulfll. The commitment is to:
“Engage more actively with own national gov-
ernments, intergovernmental organizations
and civil society to develop policies and mea-
sures to provide an enabling framework for
business to contribute effectively to building a
low-carbon and climate-resilient economy.”
Business is doing more. And as countries
debate domestic climate change policies and
work towards a new international agreement
This report is the output of a review and consultation on responsible corporate engagement in climate policy,
undertaken by the UN Global Compact in cooperation with UNEP, UNFCCC, WRI, CDP, WWF, Ceres and The
Climate Group. The report sets guidelines for why and how companies can provide constructive influences
on public policy.
in 2015, this report presents timely guidance
for companies to weigh in constructively
to the discussions. It draws on an extensive
review of existing studies and guidelines, as
well as candid interviews and consultation
with experts from more than 60 organiza-
tions, including companies, academia, non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), think
tanks and government.
Guidelines for Responsible
Engagement in Climate Policy
The report fnds there are fve core ele-
ments of responsible policy engagement in
climate policy: legitimacy, opportunity, con-
sistency, accountability, and transparency
(see Figure 1). These fve elements translate
to three practical actions responsible com-
panies can undertake around climate policy,
which are:
● ●
Identify implications, infuences, and op-
portunities to engage.
● ❑
Create an inventory—together with
internal decision makers and external
experts—of the company’s direct and
indirect infuences on climate policy.
● ●
Align words with actions, ambitions and
infuences (both direct and indirect).
● ❑
Complete an internal review using a ten
question checklist to ensure consistency
and accountability in the company’s
● ●
Report on policy positions, infuences and
● ❑
Follow a simple three-tiered framework
to report progress on the above actions
for investors and other interested stake-
i Caring for Climate was launched by the UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon in 2007. It is an initiative of the UN Global Compact,
the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Environment
Programmes (UNEP), aimed at advancing the role of business in
addressing climate change. It provides a framework for business
leaders to advance practical solutions and help shape public policy
as well as public attitudes. See Appendix E for a statement signed
by Chief Executive Offcers from over 350 companies from 50
Responsible companies are already acting
to advance climate change policies. Others
will need to build new capacity or find a
safe space in which to engage in this type of
debate. Those who are already lending their
voice to solving one of today’s most press-
ing global problems can set an example to
others, demonstrating their leadership with
the actions outlined in this report.
Inventory influences, risks and opportunities
with internal and external experts
Five Core Elements of Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy
Figure 1. Core elements defining responsible engagement in climate policy debates and three practical actions companies can take.
Complete internal audit to ensure consistent
positions, strategies and investments
Disclose positions,
actions and outcomes
Opportunity Consistency Accountability Transparency
Guide for Responsible Corporate
Engagement in Climate Policy
Guide for action, as in:
practical steps and recommendations for
business practices, strategies and initiatives
on climate policy.
Engagement in activities to inform or
influence, such as:
● y
Lobbying: direct influence on policymakers
to shape legislation.
● y
Marketing: public advertising.
● y
Financial contributions: to campaigns,
research organizations.
● y
Expert input: through testimony, working
Other important terms used in relation to
Engagement in the report:
● y
Policymakers: government officials or
● y
Governments: local, state, national,
international regulatory or legislative
● y
Trade associations: groups representing
particular industry or coalition.
Figure 2. Explanation of key
terms and concepts for the
purposes of this study.
Guide for Responsible Corporate
Engagement in Climate Policy
Responsible for impacts to and input of:
● y
Investors, shareholders.
● y
Boards of directors.
● y
Customers, employees.
● y
Climate science.
● y
Civil society, including non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and institutions
representing interests of citizens.
Climate as a broad term, defined by:
● y
Climate Change: according to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
definition, a change of climate attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of
the global atmosphere, and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time
periods (as per article 1 of the Convention).
● y
Greenhouse gases (GHGs): those gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic,
that absorb and re-emit infrared radiation (as per article 1 of the Convention), including carbon dioxide (CO
nitrous oxide (N
O), methane (CH
), ozone (O
), sulfur hexafluoride (SF
), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF
● y
Climate science: latest insights from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
● y
Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO
-equivalent or CO
e): The universal unit of measurement used to indicate the
global warming potential of the different greenhouse gases.
Policy for:
● y
Mitigation: policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to minimize damage to the global climate system,
including the international policy agreement that the increase in global temperature should be below 2˚C.
● y
Adaptation: policies to promote investments, infrastructure, and planning to adjust natural or human systems
to a changing climate.
● y
Low-carbon: general term for products, services and business models with lower GHG emissions.
● y
Carbon price: general term relating to policies that use market signals to put a cost on the practice of emitting
greenhouse gases, thereby creating an economic incentive to reduce emissions.
Corporate (or business, private sector,
industry), inclusive of companies of:
● y
Different sizes: small, medium, or large,
with an emphasis on large companies.
● y
Different geographies: state-owned,
national, or multinational, with an emphasis
on multinational.
● y
Different value chains: raw material
extraction, production, distribution,
consumption, disposal.
The 2013 UN Global Compact report, Architects of a Better World: Building the Post-2015 Business
Engagement Architecture, already illustrates the main building blocks necessary to enhance
corporate sustainability as an effective contribution to sustainable development, creating
value for both business and society. In the report, the role of individual companies, corporate
sustainability organizations, Governments, investors, business schools, civil society, labour
and consumers are highlighted as central to scaling up business action. In that report, the
UN Global Compact writes that responsible engagement around climate policy is at the heart
of corporate sustainability. But engagement is not just about adopting sound climate policies
– it is also about supporting broader UN goals such as a global legal agreement on climate
change. As displayed in Figure 3, corporate sustainability in climate policy is rooted in three
dimensions: i) respecting universal principles; ii) supporting broader UN goals; and iii) engag-
ing in partnerships and collective action at the global and local levels. These strategies and
practices are increasingly understood to contribute to revenue growth and resource produc-
tivity as well as the mitigation of operational, legal and reputational risks.
Businesses can most effectively contribute to the above dimensions through advocacy
efforts with policymakers. This way, business leaders are offered multiple avenues and op-
portunities to convey to policymakers that ambitious climate policies are urgently needed.
The Business Engagement Architecture outlines drivers and incentives that encourage the
engagement of companies on climate change issues. The Business Engagement Architecture
also calls on companies to set long-term goals and make public commitments on sustainabil-
ity and climate change issues. Global issue platforms such as the Caring for Climate initiative,
help companies set goals and strategies, engage with governments and report on progress
made on an annual basis. Understanding the overlap between public and private interests
is key to motivating a larger number of companies to engage and take action. The Guide for
Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy expands on the Business Engagement
Architecture research, presenting more detailed actions for responsible corporate engagement
in climate policy.
Recent surveys (2011 and 2012) of UN Global Compact participants show a slight increase
in the number of companies that strategically engage in public policy debates related to their
corporate responsibility commitments. Still:
● ●
Approximately 60 per cent publicly advocate for action in relation to the Global Compact
principles and/or other UN goals.
● ●
Only 30 per cent have aligned traditional government affairs activities (i.e. lobbying) with
corporate responsibility commitments.
Figure 3. Post-2015 Business Engagement Architecture
Purpose and scope of this report
This report outlines the practical actions
a company can take, across multiple geog-
raphies, to become a responsible voice in
climate policy debates. Presently, there are
political obstacles in many countries that
stand in the way of climate policy action. But
as the need for action on climate change be-
comes ever more urgent, there is an increas-
ing need for business and government to
work together on ambitious policy solutions.
Businesses, as infuential political
stakeholders, are often important voices.
Proactive, constructive input and support
from business—along with other stakehold-
ers—can help governments create effective
policies. Likewise, negative and resistant
business interests can obstruct policy action.
Business and government are interdepen-
dent. Governments need the insights and
support of businesses to advance effective
climate policy. Businesses need clarity and
certainty from governments to invest and
act on risks and opportunities in current and
future markets. This report focuses on the
need and opportunities for mutual action
and collaboration.
The scope of the report is global, though it
must be acknowledged that fundamental
differences exist between different countries’
current regulations, political systems, cul-
tures and economic development priorities.
But while the role and infuence of business
differs across geographies, this report does
not seek to provide deep context for political
debates around the world. It does, however,
include relevant examples to show a practi-
cal defnition for responsible engagement in
climate policy.
The report focuses on climate policy,
which is complex in nature. Climate policy
includes the following efforts:
● ●
Reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) that
are disrupting the global climate system,
as well as efforts to develop and deploy in-
novative clean technologies.
● ●
Preparing for and adapting to climate
disruptions already observed and expected
in the future.
● ●
Financing of climate change mitigation and
adaptation efforts.
There are a variety of policy measures to
accomplish these objectives, ranging from
environmental regulation and economic
incentives to energy and infrastructure
Finally, the report discusses instances
where businesses can infuence policy. There
are multiple types of engagement, ranging
from direct infuences through lobbying
or political contributions, to more indirect
infuences on customers or through industry
groups. The objective is not to cover the full
spectrum (see Box 1), but rather acknowledge
there are many ways of engaging in climate
policy debates, and establish a fundamental
and practical means of engaging responsibly.
To be widely applicable and adaptable, this
guide discusses responsible engagement for
companies of all sizes, sectors and geogra-
phies. But there are a number of areas that
would benefit from deeper analysis including:
● y
Technical input on specific policy ques-
tions. For example: private sector tools for
climate finance.
● y
Specific roles and guidance for specific
sectors. For example: how the energy sec-
tor can play a constructive role in climate
● y
Specific policies to influence. For example:
tax incentives, technology standards and
trade agreements.
● y
Political debates in specific countries or
regions. For example: how to engage for
maximum positive influence in South Afri-
can policy discussions.
Important context for
infuencing climate policy
Overcoming basic challenges and
creating positive influences
A company may face several challenges when
engaging in political debates on climate
change. While it might value “a seat at the
table” to shape the design of policies, the
company might be wary if involvement risks
important relationships as a result. If seen
as too political or siding with one political
group over others, a company might fear
a backlash from customers or employees.
Companies need a means of engaging in a
responsible and constructive manner, while
balancing political views and managing
public perceptions.
Governments may face similar challenges.
Policymakers may recognize the need for
corporate input and support, but they must
also balance business interests with the
greater good of society. They may want to
address long-term climate change risks, but
at the same time are wary of public opinion
and possible negative near-term impacts to
the economy.
The result is that, when it comes to the poli-
tics of climate change, both companies and
governments can fnd it diffcult to engage one
another constructively. A review of corporate
lobbying practices on social and environmen-
tal challenges by WWF and SustainAbility,
noted that companies tend to “strike an over-
whelmingly defensive tone.”
Meanwhile, their
report observed “government concern over
business resistance to new policies” among the
main obstacles to policy action.
Others, like the Union of Concerned
Scientists, point out that some business
voices are misinforming policymakers and
effectively obstructing progress on climate
Studies from Harvard Business
School and Yale University have identifed
corporate infuence on climate policy as pre-
senting a major stumbling block to progress
on climate change initiatives.
Echoing this, a study that points out some
businesses are misinforming policymakers,
Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of
the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC), has observed
“a serious group of companies that have
a voice that is much louder, that is better
funded, that operates much more in unison
and that is still stuck in the technologies and
the fuels of yesterday.”
Christiana Figueres has called for companies
to urgently redress this balance saying,
“…if we don't have a voice that is equally as
orchestrated with arguments that are at least
equally as compelling, then governments are
going to be taking very timid decisions and
they're not going to be tipping the scale.”
But as demonstrated by growing investor
interest in climate strategies and emissions
disclosure, such as that reported through
CDP, investors are becoming more engaged
with corporate infuence on climate change.
Yale University reviewed corporate infu-
ences on climate policy and asked:
Are these [defensive] attempts to infuence
government policies on the climate issue in the
shareholders’ interest? Perhaps not. It is not
even clear that these corporations have taken
lobbying positions consistent with their own
fnancial interests and the narrowest defni-
tions of shareholder interests.
Many companies would agree with this
analysis and some have commented:
Governments tend to feel limited in their ability
to introduce new policies for reducing [green-
house gas] emissions because they fear business
resistance, while companies are unable to take
their investments in low carbon solutions to
scale because of a lack of long-term policies.
The good news is that these challenges are
not insurmountable. In this report alone,
there are several examples where companies
and governments are fnding means of en-
gaging one another with the shared objective
of advancing bold, effective climate policy.
Driving more ambitious, effective
climate policy
Although countries have discussed an inter-
national climate change response for more
than 20 years, action remains incremental.
The level of ambition of existing policies is
widely agreed to not be suffcient to address
climate change.
Global GHG emissions con-
tinue to increase, causing disruptions to the
global climate system and increasing risks to
markets across the world.
Meanwhile, there
are few effective regulatory frameworks
and market signals for the fuels, technolo-
gies, and products and services that will be
needed on a large scale in the years ahead.
Clear frameworks and strong signals from
governments are essential to prompt invest-
ment today and avoid higher costs in the
future. Strong policy signals for the energy
sector, for example, would avoid more than
$3 trillion of additional investment that
would be needed if policies were delayed
until 2020.
Many companies recognize this and have
called on governments to act. More than 150
companies signed the Carbon Price Communi-
qué in 2012, which calls for governments to:
● ●
Make carbon pricing a central part of na-
tional policy responses.
● ●
Work towards the long term objective
of a carbon price throughout the global
● ●
Set suffcient ambition through interna-
tionally agreed targets to drive change at a
pace commensurate with the 2°C goal.
These companies are weighing in with a
timely message, as debates are happening at
national and sub-national levels around the
world. In 2013, the World Bank found that
more than “40 national and 20 sub-national
jurisdictions have either implemented or are
considering mechanisms that put a price on
In addition to market mechanisms such
as a carbon price, there are other important
policy design elements to consider, and
complementary policies to promote. Effec-
tive measurement systems and economic
analysis, for example, are an important part
of climate policy debates. Various countries
are testing and expanding policy programs,
ranging from Germany’s accelerated transi-
tion to a clean energy system, to China’s re-
newable energy law and plans for a cap-and-
trade system in 2016.
With business input
and support for ambitious policies, countries
can scale the learning curve faster.
Identifying connections and
Policy aimed at curtailing climate change can
involve a suite of possible public policy inter-
ventions, from tax to subsidy, regulation to
behavior change, energy policy to health pol-
icy. It is relevant to all sectors of the economy.
Some sectors, like the energy sector, may have
particularly high GHG emissions and thus a
clear link to public policy interventions on
climate change. Other sectors, like consumer
goods, may not be heavy emitters but still
have a strong interest in policy debates due to
the impact of climate change on their value
chains. The key is for companies to be able to
identify these links and the strategic points
where they can engage.
It is also important to consider climate
policy in the context of other policy action
and environmental and economic consid-
erations. For instance, in the case of energy
policy, climate change (specifcally the need
for environmentally-sensitive, low-carbon
energy production) is one piece of what the
World Energy Council refers to as a “trilem-
ma,” along with energy access and security.
Depending on the policy discussed, there
may be important tradeoffs to recognize
among them—or opportunities to address all
three challenges at once.
Climate policy is complex, but priorities
can be established. Consider that the vast
majority (80 per cent) of GHG reduction op-
portunities for Brazil, China, the European
Union, India and the United States can be
found in specifc priority sectors (Figure 4).
Additional analysis, in the United States for
example, suggests specifc near-term policy
action for the power sector, hydrofuorocar-
bon (HFC) emissions, natural gas systems,
and energy effciency would achieve 90 per
cent of GHG reduction potential.
Of course, creating effective policies
in each of these sectors will be complex.
Companies with direct or indirect interests
in these sectors (and those sectors that will
need to adapt to climate change impacts) can
be particularly infuential in informing and
supporting national policy action.
A business case for
responsible engagement
How companies can make a case
to engage
In climate policy debates, a company’s role
will depend on the sector, size of the com-
pany, political jurisdiction(s) and leadership,
among other factors. However, most compa-
nies can make a compelling business case
based on implications that climate policy has
on the following:
● ●
Corporate strategy: How will responsible
engagement help the company to execute
on future business plans and understand
future market changes (value erosion or
creation, market opportunities)? How will
it help the company proft from becoming
a "market-maker", rather than a "market-
taker", and be an active participant in
creating new low carbon economies?
● ●
Government and public affairs: How will
responsible engagement with policymak-
ers create more trusted relationships and
regulatory certainty?
● ●
Finance and legal: How will responsible en-
gagement help enhance shareholder value?
How will it improve investor relations and
help the company more effectively attract
and allocate fnancial resources (lobbying re-
sources, capital investments)? Will it address
shareholder concerns and risks?
● ●
Reputation and public relations: How
will responsible engagement help to build
and sustain public and stakeholder trust
and license to operate? What is expected of
the company amid the growing pressure on
companies to be transparent about political
activities and infuence? What will be the
impact of media attention on support for
various groups infuencing climate policy?
Agriculture Buildings Forestry Industry Power Transport
Brazil X X
China X X X
European Union X X X X X
India X X X
United States X X X X
Figure 4. Sectors accounting for 80 per cent of GHG reduction potential in select countries, based on
analysis from the Climate Policy Initiative.
Agriculture Buildings Forestry Industry Power Transport
Brazil X X
China X X X
European Union X X X X X
India X X X
United States X X X X
ii. The “2°C goal” is a common benchmark for ambition—a
measure of the amount of warming observed in the global mean
temperature (0.8°C observed already). Science suggests the risks
of dangerous impacts increase dramatically beyond 2°C. However,
it should be noted that even at 2°C there is increased risk of wild-
fres, droughts, foods, as well as sea level rise; this has prompted
some countries to call for action to limit warming to 1.5°C or be-
low. The international community has agreed to 2°C limit in rise
of global average temperature, but current policies set a trajectory
for a warming of 4°C or more by the end of the century.
iii. It should be noted that various countries have their own spe-
cifc legal frameworks which differ from others – so for example
contributions to electoral campaigns are not allowed or restricted
in certain countries.
Examples of DIRECT engagement activities:
● y
Lobbying of government officials
● y
Contributing to electoral campaigns
● y
Providing testimony, endorsements or participating in
government agency working groups
● y
Participating in public-private partnerships
● y
Participating in national or international forums on
trade, technologies
Examples of INDIRECT influences:
● y
Information and public relations campaigns targeting
customers, suppliers, general public
● y
Contributions to external, non-governmental
● y
Membership in trade groups and business
● y
Former employees taking jobs as government officials
(current or former employees) or corporate hiring of
former government officials
● y
Engagement in international or national business
alliances or initiatives
● y
Call to action, convening, and example setting with
customers, suppliers, competitors, public
● y
Participation in scientific or economic committees
Figure 5. Examples of Corporate Influences on Policy.
● ●
Operations: How will responsible engage-
ment help promote policies that protect the
company against impacts and disruptions
from climate change?
How companies can have an
influence on climate policy
Previous reports have outlined the different
types of corporate infuence on policy. Sum-
marized below is a synthesis of engagement
approaches highlighted across several exist-
ing studies and guidance documents.
the purposes of this report, two broad cat-
egories—direct and indirect—defne where
companies infuence climate policy.
How companies engage in climate policy debates will vary by region. There are different po-
litical systems to consider, different infuence channels and different regulations that shape
how companies engage on policy. The following are illustrative examples of corporate engage-
ment initiatives, policy debates or infuence channels in seven countries.
Businesses for a Clean Econ-
omy (B4CE), a coalition of
more than 400 companies and
associations in Australia, has engaged the
business community to “demonstrate there
is a signifcant business voice supporting a
price on carbon pollution.” They have done
national surveys to understand business atti-
tudes toward climate policy and the uncer-
tainty around the future of carbon pricing.
The group has leveraged traditional and
social media to share the results and their
views widely, to help inform the national
In 2012, Instituto Ethos, with
the support and signatures
of more than 100 organiza-
tions (including several global
companies), issued a proposal to infuence
negotiations at the United Nations Confer-
ence on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
As part of the proposal, the group suggested
all participating countries commit to the
“pricing of carbon and the creation of an
internal carbon market,” demonstrating the
type of policy action that leaders in the busi-
ness community in Brazil are seeking.
In 2012 and 2013, a group of Brazilian
companies came together to evaluate risks
and opportunities related to maintaining
critical ecosystems, such as forests. The
Parceria Empresarial pelos Serviços Ecos-
sistêmicos (PESE) or, in English, the Brazilian
Business and Ecosystem Services Partnership,
is one of several partnership efforts where
companies can demonstrate to policymak-
ers the importance of action that addresses
deforestation and its impact on the climate.
Another, Mesa Redonda da Madeira Tropi-
cal Sustentável, brings together business and
multiple other stakeholders to fnd solutions
to illegal logging in Brazil.
In China, foreign companies
and state-owned enterprises
typically play different roles
when engaging in climate policy. State-
owned enterprises are expected to show
leadership in implementing new initiatives
to address climate change. As part of the
government, they play an important role in
communicating opportunities for low-carbon
economic development.
Other companies can also engage on pol-
icy by sharing their initiatives in the media,
keeping climate change in the public agenda.
Some foreign companies also provide data
and analysis on energy effciency opportuni-
ties or adaptation challenges. Several engage
with technical assistance for China’s carbon
trading policies through trade associations
like the International Emissions Trading As-
European Union
The Prince of Wales's
Corporate Leaders Group
on Climate Change (CLG) is
a coalition that draws from
United Kingdom, Euro-
pean and multinational
companies. The mission of the EU CLG is:
"To communicate the support of business for
the European Union to move to a low carbon
society and low climate risk economy, and to
work in partnership with the institutions of
the EU to make this a practical reality." The
group comments publicly on climate change
science and policy, urging political leaders
to take action. It also hosts high-level meet-
ings in partnership with other groups, such
as the Confederation of British Industry, to
engage policymakers on climate change risks
and opportunities important to business.
Green business centers
of excellence in India are
infuential platforms where
companies can inform policy
action on climate change.
They can help promote streamlined regula-
tions and aligned incentives, as well as op-
portunities to update older regulations—as
India did with the new Companies Bill in
2013 to established standards for corporate
responsibility. Groups like the Confedera-
tion of Indian Industry ( and The
Energy and Resources Institute (www.teriin.
org) are working with members and partners
to provide input to government efforts to
promote energy effciency, advance research
and development, and measure GHG emis-
Data from CDP’s 2013 investor reports in-
dicates that companies are directly engaged
with the government to proactively tackle
climate change. In one example, a company
engaged directly with the Indian Bureau of
Energy Effciency (BEE) in order to infuence
an energy effciency policy. The company
supported the BEE in workshops on aware-
ness creation and implementation of an
Energy Conservation Building Code, as well
as shared energy data from their buildings to
help determine the policy. Another company
has actively engaged in the BEE’s energy
trading scheme throughout its development
and implementation.
In Mexico, the govern-
ment’s UNFCCC presidency
in 2010 was widely praised
for efforts to engage private sector stakehold-
ers in the lead up to the climate negotiations
that year. More recently, in 2013, Mexico re-
leased its National Climate Change Strategy,
which creates opportunities for corporate
engagement. It articulates a short-, mid-,
and long-term vision, and brings together
national, state, municipal and sector climate
action plans. Companies can engage through
the National Council on Climate Change on
policies in development for key sectors. For
example, companies can help shape housing,
building and construction policies to reduce
GHG emissions and help communities adapt
to a changing climate. Among other topics
for private sector input are:
● ●
energy and infrastructure subsidies
● ●
life cycle costs of power generation
● ●
renewable energy incentives with pricing
plans for poorest/vulnerable citizens
● ●
analytics for public health risks and benefts
● ●
development bank fnancing criteria for
energy investments
● ●
enforcement and economic incentives to
halt deforestation.
South Africa
South Africa has actively
sought input on how to ad-
vance the country’s National
Climate Change Response
Policy—a comprehensive vision and strategy
for climate change mitigation, adaptation
and funding. Constructive business voices
can engage through:
● ●
Public comments on white papers. For
example, the National Treasury held a pub-
lic comment period for a carbon tax white
paper in 2013.
● ●
Input to the UNFCCC negotiations. Com-
panies have participated in the South Afri-
can delegation and sought to gain insights
from policies working in other countries.
● ●
Positions of infuential trade associa-
tions. Companies can help shape positions
of important groups like Business Unity
South Africa (BUSA).
● ●
Partnerships and solutions. Companies
can demonstrate and promote the in-
novative technologies and services—for
example as part of WWF’s Climate Solvers
program—to help the country reduce GHGs
and adapt to climate impacts.
United States
The US Climate Action
Partnership (USCAP) and
Businesses for Innova-
tive Climate and Energy
Policy (BICEP) are two examples of coalitions
formed to establish a strong, positive corpo-
rate voice on U.S. climate policy.
Each has experienced successes and chal-
lenges in the process (described in detail in
Appendix B), but the highlights are listed
● ●
What worked well? Top-level decision
makers at infuential companies were
deeply involved and committed; it was
helpful to use climate change outcomes,
not industry sector interests, as the organiz-
ing principle; and the partnership created
mutual benefts and support among coali-
tion members.
● ●
What proved to be a challenge? Those
closely involved in USCAP noted useful
lessons to future approaches: CEO-level
engagement is important, but the broader
organization needs to buy in too; messages
about the benefts of policy action need to
resonate locally, outside political circles
in Washington, D.C. and there is immense
pressure and real risks for those speaking
out on the issue.
● ●
What has worked well? Staying power in
the face of ongoing legislative stalemate;
broad engagement with executives from
many companies and with the public;
broad business interest representation; and
a safe space for policy engagement.
● ●
What has proven to be a challenge? Lack
of federal legislation and complexity of
trade association affliation.
Links to additional examples and resources
can be found at:
Companies can use the following fve core elements as guiding principles for responsible
engagement in climate policy.
This list is a synthesis of 13 existing studies on how and why
companies engage in policy debates relating to climate change and other issues, as well as
insights from more than 60 expert interviews (see Appendix A).
...with policymakers
...with investors
...with stakeholders
Opportunity inform influence benefit
...with science
...with positions
...with strategies
Accountability shareholders customers society
...for positions
...for influences
...for outcomes
Figure 6. Five core elements for responsible corporate engagement in climate policy
Legitimacy refers to a company’s approach,
intentions and understanding of climate pol-
icy. Defning factors for legitimacy include:
● ●
Building trust. Several studies point to the
importance of a company establishing a
trusted voice, clear objectives and respon-
sible infuences in public policy debates.
One study framed this by asking, “Are the
means of infuence proper uses of corpo-
rate power? Are the company’s methods of
political engagement broadly accepted?”
Responsible companies can demonstrate
and justify their legitimate role by explain-
ing their intentions and positions, and by
partnering with others.
● ●
Doing no harm. Several executives and
thought leaders suggest responsible compa-
nies will avoid any direct or indirect support
for policies or positions that further increase
the risks and impacts of climate change.
● ●
Having a genuine interest in seeing
policy outcomes. Several stakeholders
interviewed defned responsible companies
as those demonstrating sincere intentions
to create strong frameworks, while other
companies may be engaging simply to
delay or derail policy action. Responsible
engagement does not reject a proposal
without offering a viable alternative. Nor
does it seek simply to delay or distract.
A responsible company will support and
endorse specifc policy proposals, not just
the concept of policy action.
● ●
Defning a material interest. Companies
can articulate their reasons for engaging,
backed by objective analysis, when weigh-
ing in on specifc policy questions. A global
fnancial services company observed how
important it was for them to understand
the connections between climate policy
and their core business competencies:
“Drawn from our own experiences...the mes-
sage tends to be better received and the ef-
forts more effective if there is a clear connec-
tion between the business' core competency
and its sustainability positions (which is why
we focus on sustainability data and analytics
for the fnancial community). If a connection
is not evident, however, and the company has
iv. It must be emphasized that all fve elements are essential. Selectively focusing on one or two elements does not constitute responsible
engagement. For example, a company might be entirely transparent about its positions and infuences, but would fall short of responsible
engagement if there is no consistency in its messages or if lacking accountability to stakeholders.
not taken steps to make itself competent in
the area…it undermines its overall posture
towards the dialogue, even if its actions are
driven by positive intentions.”
Opportunity refers to how a company under-
stands the benefts of climate policy and the
available infuence channels to shape and
support those policies. Defning factors for
opportunity include:
● ●
Recognizing risk mitigation, competitive
advantages and future industry transi-
tions. Climate change has impacts creating
risks and opportunities throughout a value
chain. Policies to respond to those risks
and opportunities will shape an industry’s
future. Companies that see the transition
ahead can fnd ways to proactively engage in
policy debates to help minimize future mar-
ket risks and maximize opportunities. Con-
sider, for example, the wide range of risks to
the U.S. energy sector. The U.S. Department
of Energy released a report in 2013 pointing
to the impacts that a changing climate is
likely to have on everything from fuel trans-
port, to electricity distribution, to onshore
and offshore oil and gas production. It noted
the risks and opportunities for the industry
to act, concluding that:
…the pace, scale, and scope of combined
public and private efforts to improve the
climate preparedness and resilience of the
energy sector will need to increase…Greater
resilience will require improved technolo-
gies, policies, information, and stakeholder
EXAMPLE IN BRIEF: The 3% Solution
In 2013, CDP and WWF published "The 3%
Solution" —an analysis that revealed an
immense business opportunity for compa-
nies in the United States to contribute GHG
reductions toward a 2
C global target and
how much it might cost by 2020. The analysis
suggested that annual reductions of approxi-
mately 3% per year would be required (a
signifcant but technically feasible chal-
lenge), and could result in savings up to $780
billion (net present value) by 2020. Read more
in Appendix B.
● ●
Articulating a case for policy positions
with broadly shared benefts. There may
not always be alignment of interests, but
where possible, it is helpful to articulate
the benefts both to the company and to
others. Even in cases of conficting inter-
ests, there is an opportunity to show how a
different approach could align a company’s
or industry’s priorities with the public good
in an increasingly interconnected world.
Experts interviewed noted that the greatest
opportunity to engage in policy is to under-
stand the interests of others. Policymakers
may well want to know what the policy
means to the company and industry but
they also want to understand the impact
on health or the local economy. Similarly,
it is important to articulate the impacts to
investors, customers and suppliers.
● ●
Playing positive and proactive roles.
Responsible engagement can include
supporting research, providing analysis,
convincing others in the business commu-
nity of the case for change, and explaining
what works and what does not work. Con-
structive voices are welcome participants
in policy debates. Companies can shift
debates in a positive direction by publiciz-
ing the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of
policy change with their own actions and
● ●
Seeking infuence opportunities that ft
the company scale. Opportunity for infu-
ence will differ by the type of company.
Some companies may be large and estab-
lished, while others may be newer, smaller
and growing fast. For large companies,
their individual views may carry weight,
or a more powerful opportunity may exist
in shaping the voice and perspective of
their broader industry—represented often
by a trade association. Smaller companies,
meanwhile, may not have the time or re-
sources to engage on policy. Their opportu-
nities may be in creating coalitions of other
voices with shared objectives and common
input. WWF, for example, established its
Climate Solver program so that emerging
clean technology companies can fnd op-
portunities to inform policy debates.
Consistency involves aligning public and
private interactions with policymakers, with
coherent strategies that ensure a company’s
direct and indirect infuences accurately
refect climate science. Defning factors for
consistency include:
● ●
Staying true to climate science and objec-
tive analysis. Responsible engagement
means that a company’s policy positions
match up with: 1) the pace and scale of
GHG reductions required to minimize cli-
mate system disruption (e.g., the interna-
tionally-agreed target of limiting average
warming to 2
C); and 2) the scale of invest-
ments needed to adapt to the disruptions
from damage already done or predicted to
take place. A company—and trade associa-
tions or other groups that represent the
company—use the most up-to-date analysis
from qualifed sources instead of selectively
using data or discredited analysis to mis-
lead policymakers.
● ●
Aligning public and private messages.
Saying different things to different audi-
ences suggests duplicitous intent and can
put trusted relationships with customers,
investors, policymakers and the public at
risk. The value of achieving consistency
is in avoiding the public, political and
fnancial backlash if a company is found
to be backing one climate policy position
in public and another in private. Compa-
nies may face scrutiny in the media for
membership in, or contributions to, groups
that are obstructing or misleading climate
policy debates. Meanwhile, investors want
to know whether the policy positions
a company is advocating for align with
their own. Civil society groups are increas-
ingly vocal in pointing to inconsistencies
between a company’s stated position on
climate change and the infuence they
may have in delaying or preventing policy
● ●
Creating common core messages across
multiple regions and platforms. While it
makes sense for a company to have policy
positions tailored to the needs of specifc
countries, responsible companies will have
overarching positions that are common
among regional engagements. Similarly,
responsible companies will recognize when
industry associations they are affliated
with are undermining their own messages
to policymakers. This is an area of inconsis-
tency, increasing scrutiny and stakeholder
pressure. These are essential, yet particu-
larly challenging tasks. As many experts
noted, there are likely to be different politi-
cal views, business interests, government
interactions and infuence priorities among
different divisions within any one com-
pany. There may be important short-term
and long-term impacts to balance. There
may be several different people or business
units engaging policymakers on behalf of a
● ●
Aligning actions and words. To engage
responsibly, corporate infuences (direct
or indirect) and public relations need to
match up with actions and investments to
advance climate policy. Ceres, for example,
in their report on what defnes a "21st
Century Corporation", highlighted that a
company must ensure its lobbying is “con-
sistent with sustainability commitments
and strategies".
Accountability typically refers to a company’s
willingness and ability to act on its responsi-
bilities to its shareholders, employees and the
communities impacted (directly or indirectly)
by its operations, products and services. De-
fning factors for accountability include:
● ●
Pursuing the long-term interests of a
company’s core business, sharehold-
ers, industry and its current and future
customers. A responsible company will
manage climate change like any other
business risk or opportunity. This includes
ensuring the company has a coherent
strategy for navigating and informing a
regulatory framework for the long-term
future of the business. Some companies,
for example in the power sector or among
energy-intensive industries, will have an
obligation to reduce the amount of GHG
emissions they create. They are accountable
for how they engage in policy debates to
promote regulatory frameworks that are
most cost-effective, while still achieving the
necessary GHG reductions. Other compa-
nies that may not be large emitters are still
accountable to protect and create value for
their customers and shareholders. They
Member of board or chairmanship
Active membership
Working groups
Directly influencing policy
Technical advice or submission of
research papers
Promotion of legislative agenda
Funding beyond membership
Internally establishing a group,
initiative or concept
Supporting all positions
No influence
Figure 7. The mechanisms that Global 500 com-
panies responding to CDP state that they use to
engage with their trade associations. The number of
companies that selected each type of engagement
is displayed on the respective segment.
See Appendix B for additional discussion of engagement through trade associations.
Trade Associations: Managing Indirect Influences
Many companies struggle with (real and perceived) inconsistencies when trade associations take defensive
or obstructive positions on climate policy. Several of the companies and other stakeholders interviewed for
this report raised this as one of the most important—and most challenging—issues for responsible engage-
ment on climate change.
Among the challenges noted:
● ●
A trade association may take positions that only represent those most fiercely opposed to a climate policy.
● ●
The trade association can be more politically powerful than a single company.
● ●
In some countries, membership in a trade association is mandatory.
● ●
For large companies, it is difficult tracking the positions of various trade associations.
● ●
Some companies do not want to push policy actions too far beyond the industry position.
In light of these challenges, a few of the options suggested for companies to demonstrate consistency on
climate policy include:
● ●
Review the climate policy positions and influences of trade associations.
● ●
Publicly distance the company from conflicting positions taken by a trade association.
● ●
Work within a trade association to make the case for constructive engagement.
● ●
Discontinue membership in trade associations that oppose or obstruct climate change policies.
● ●
Form proactive, influential coalitions to counter trade associations that oppose climate change policies.
can support and suggest policy options
that recognize the urgent need for action
on climate change and maximize benefts
across their value chain. Investors also wish
to know what a company is doing with
their money when it comes to infuenc-
ing climate policy.
Experts have noted:
“Lobbying on public policies requires board
oversight because it involves signifcant
shareholder interests.”
Investors with an
eye on the long-term future of the industry
and overall economy want to know how a
company is aligning policy outreach with
corporate sustainability commitments.
EXAMPLE IN BRIEF: U.S. and Japanese
Auto Industry
Several of those interviewed for this re-
port—including those with investor perspec-
tives—noted the U.S. auto industry as a major
example of what can go wrong if companies
are short sighted and unaccountable for their
policy infuences. They pointed out that
because, over many years, the auto indus-
try effectively lobbied against legislation to
increase U.S. corporate average fuel economy
(CAFE) standards, companies had effectively
isolated themselves from market signals.
These companies and their shareholders paid
a price when market demand shifted to fuel
effcient vehicles. This allowed the Japanese
auto sector, which had not been as isolated
from market signals, to leapfrog the U.S.
● ●
Conducting due diligence with a broader
perspective. Responsible companies can
advocate for policies that create advantages
for themselves, as well as broader ben-
efts to other stakeholders. This involves
understanding how climate change policies
will be most effective and cost-effcient in
reducing GHG emissions, at the pace and
scale necessary to minimize risks through-
out a company’s value chain (including
long-term needs of customers, suppliers
and communities). It also involves un-
derstanding the risks of inaction and the
tradeoffs or consequences of various policy
options (e.g., how a policy that prioritizes
alternative energy production may impact
freshwater availability).
● ●
Overseeing and managing inconsisten-
cies. As noted in the earlier discussion on
Consistency, it can be extremely challeng-
ing to align messages and infuences. That
diffculty makes it all the more important
for companies to create systems to review
and hold individuals accountable for ex-
ternal messages and infuences. Oversight
is needed for managing climate policy pri-
orities across multiple geographies, while
balancing different political views and
business interests. Responsible engagement
means identifying and resolving those
areas where a company’s infuence on
policy may be misaligned. Accountability
means having answers to questions like the
● ❑
If a company has set an aggressive GHG
reduction goal, is it also lobbying for the
policies that will help achieve that objec-
tive in a cost-effective manner?
● ❑
What is the company doing to ensure
common messages, effcient manage-
ment and policy and engagement?
● ❑
If a company has a marketing campaign
to promote its “clean” or “green” prod-
ucts, is it actively engaged and commit-
ted to creating the regulations to support
an economic transition that accelerates
market demand for those products?
Section 3 includes a checklist of ten questions
to ask as part of an internal assessment—an
audit for accountability on climate policy.
Transparency is widely noted as an essential
component of responsible engagement.
fning factors for transparency include:
● ●
Making company views on climate policy
public. Responsible companies can clarify
positions for interested investors, customers
and other stakeholders. The value of trans-
parency is perhaps most logically linked to
building a positive public perception of a
company. At the same time, demands for
transparency can also help encourage a
company to improve its internal processes
v. Note that all 13 of the studies reviewed (noted in Appendix A)
mentioned transparency as an essential element of responsible
and performance. Demands for information
on public policy engagement from share-
holders and other stakeholders were men-
tioned often in interviews that informed this
report. Those interviewed also mentioned
increasing opportunities to obtain and share
information, such as through CDP and UN
Global Compact reporting data which are
now featured on Bloomberg terminals and
Google Finance summaries.
● ●
Explaining why climate policy is material
to the business. Responsible engagement
means being open and honest about how
public policy issues are seen as important
and how they connect to specifc business
interests. This includes being open about
the process to determine what is important
and what is not. It also applies both where
policy is being discussed and where policy
is not being discussed, but needs to be. Fail-
ure to recognize climate change risks can
lead to legal and fnancial consequences.
Companies in the United States are now
asked to provide more public information
about fnancial risks related to climate
change. The U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) issued guidance in 2010
for all publicly-traded companies to consider
and disclose any signifcant business risks
posed by climate change in their annual
Form 10-K reports. Read more in Appendix B.
● ●
Summarizing activities, infuences and
outcomes. Responsible companies can
build trust by disclosure through chan-
nels like CDP or the UN Global Compact.
Companies can then explain what they
are doing, why they are doing it and what
changes (e.g., pressure from customers or
suppliers) might prompt the companies to
be more engaged. It is important to disclose
direct infuences, as well as acknowledge or
clarify indirect infuences through trade as-
sociations, research funding, or other con-
nections to groups shaping climate policy.
Companies may also choose to disclose
investment and expenditures to show how
they are engaging in climate policy. More
on this topic, including a suggested frame-
work for reporting, is included in Section 3.
● ●
Making intent clear and open, even if
content must remain private. Respon-
sible companies will clarify positions and
motivations for investors, policymakers
and other stakeholders. Transparency taken
too far might be detrimental to business,
and even stop leaders from engaging. Some
issues may reveal proprietary or commer-
cially sensitive strategies, so a company
may wish to keep them private. However,
responsible companies can still express the
intent and objectives of policy engagement,
which will clarify what the company wants
to achieve.
● ●
Building internal engagement. There are
internal benefts to reporting externally.
Several companies interviewed note that
public scrutiny can prompt senior manage-
ment to pay attention to and support ef-
forts to improve practices and coordination
within the company.
● ●
Recognizing and being clear about
the limits to transparency. Those inter-
viewed also noted limits to transparency.
In cases where competitive advantages
or new technologies are involved there is
an understandable hesitation to disclose
specifc policy infuence targets publicly.
Likewise, some companies expressed con-
cerns that in-depth public reporting could
be misinterpreted out of context, or could
jeopardize trusted relationships with poli-
cymakers. Finally, many noted that there
are means of hiding infuence (e.g., politi-
cal donations funneled through outside
groups) and some actors may continue to
take advantage of those opportunities. The
challenges to being transparent, however,
can be overcome. Those interviewed noted
several practical ways to defne and pro-
mote sharing of information on corporate
engagement in climate policy debates. They
are refected in the tiered reporting frame-
work discussed in Section 3.
In 2013, more than 2,000 companies—includ-
ing 396 of the Global 500, the largest 500
companies in the world —provided informa-
tion to CDP on how they engage in climate
change policy debates. Their responses to
a new series of questions in CDP’s annual
questionnaire provide a snapshot of what
companies are doing and disclosing on cli-
mate change policy engagement.
The results, shared across CDP’s network
of several hundred institutional investors
(totaling US$87 trillion in assets) highlighted
important insights, including:
● ●
How companies are engaging. Of the
403 companies in the Global 500 that
responded to CDP, 71per cent stated that
they engaged with policymakers on climate
change legislation through their trade as-
sociations, and 61 per cent directly engaged
with policymakers.
Figure 8. The mecha-
nisms that Global 500
companies state they
are using to directly
or indirectly influence
policymakers on climate
change legislation.
vi. Responses not mutually exclusive - e.g. companies could
respond that they are both engaging directly, as well as through
trade associations.
● ●
The types of policies. Many companies stated that they engaged directly or indirectly
with policymakers on a wide range of issues; with over half of the responding Global 500
companies engaging with policymakers on energy effciency, and over a third engaging
on clean energy generation, mandatory carbon reporting and cap and trade.
● ●
Indirect infuences and disclosure. Companies are clearly engaged with the climate
change agenda; four in fve of Global 500 companies and from the broader CDP sample
stated that they fund organizations to produce public work on climate change. But only
51 per cent of responding Global 500 companies and 55 per cent of the broader CDP
sample publicly disclosed all of the research organizations that they fund.
Figure 9. Climate change
legislation on which Global
500 companies are directly or
indirectly engaging with poli-
cymakers. Note: respondents
were able to select from these
categories of climate policies,
as well as an option to also se-
lect an "other" category. Many
respondents–333 of 396–also
indicated they engaged in other
climate policies.
Figure 10. Percentage of
companies responding to
CDP that "fund organizations
to produce public work on
climate change".
Figure 11. Percentage of
companies responding to CDP
that publicly disclose a list of
all of the research organiza-
tions they fund.
All CDP disclosing companies Global 500
Section 1 provided context on the need for
constructive corporate infuences on cli-
mate policy and Section 2 established fve
core elements for responsible engagement.
Section 3 takes this to the next stage: put-
ting responsible engagement into practice.
It proposes three actions, based on input
from interviews across multiple sectors and
geographies. Additional consultation with
companies, investors, policymakers and
NGOs have further refned and informed the
“Why...” and “How…” for each action.
These recommended actions, refecting a
shared view from the six organizations pub-
lishing this report, can be a guide for compa-
nies to demonstrate responsible engagement
on climate policy.
Action items
1. Identify the company’s climate change
risks, opportunities and policy infuences.
2. Align words with actions, ambitions and
infuences (both direct and indirect).
3. Report on policy positions, infuences and
These are actions to pursue in parallel, al-
though they can also be seen as sequential. A
company may focus on establishing baseline
knowledge before engaging deeply, but a
company can start with modest steps to align
its messages and report its positions, even in
early stages. A key message from the inter-
views however, is that responsible companies
will act now to have a positive and timely
infuence on climate policy.
Figure 12. Three actions to put the core elements of responsible engagement into practice.
Inventory influences, risks and opportunities
with internal and external experts
Five Core Elements of Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy
Complete internal audit to ensure consistent
positions, strategies and investments
Disclose positions,
actions and outcomes
Opportunity Consistency Accountability Transparency
Identify the company’s climate
change risks, opportunities and
policy infuences
To establish legitimacy and understand op-
portunity, a responsible company will tune
into the outside world and be open to under-
standing the implications of climate change.
Why identify? To find opportunity
and create legitimacy.
The research and stakeholder interviews con-
ducted for this report suggest that for com-
panies to engage effectively, they will have
frst engaged others. Responsible companies
actively seek input on the broader, long-term
implications of climate change and the spe-
cifc near-term options for infuencing policy
Responsible companies can engage outside
experts to better understand and internalize
scientifc and economic analysis on climate
change. They can also engage experts and
leaders within the company, sector and mar-
kets, to inform views on policy.
Taking such action allows a company to
identify strategic interests and opportuni-
ties to infuence on policy that are otherwise
overlooked. This helps a company establish
legitimate policy positions and engagement
Identifes Opportunity
Information and communications technol-
ogy (ICT) companies have worked together
and with external experts to identify large-
scale economic and environmental benefts.
The Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)
and a partnership of ICT companies worked
with international non-proft The Climate
Group and others, to assess the future of
the industry. Their analyses have found the
industry has an opportunity to reduce global
GHG emission by approximately seven times
the ICT sector’s own emissions. Of particu-
lar interest for policymakers, the analysis
suggested ICT solutions could create nearly
30 million jobs and produce $1.9 trillion in
savings for consumers and businesses. Read
more in Appendix C.
How to identify
Stakeholder input helps shape specifc steps
to identify the implications, infuences and
opportunities to engage in climate policy
debates. A company may be taking some of
these steps already, so an important factor to
consider is whether the company has fully
explored and identifed the broad business
risks and opportunities related to climate
change and policy actions.
● ●
Create (or tap into existing) coordinated
internal discussions. Most companies have
one or more teams responsible for tracking
and infuencing policy, whether directly or
indirectly through broader trade groups.
Most companies also have internal teams
responsible for tracking environmental
issues and performance. The stakeholder
interviews suggest more internal coordina-
tion is needed among these teams.
Similarly, many companies noted that
it would be useful to engage senior leaders
(executive or board-level champions) to lend
legitimacy and importance to this coordi-
nation. A simple action would be to have a
senior leader organize a discussion (a call
or meeting) between the corporate sustain-
ability director, the government relations
director, and other relevant players (busi-
ness units, investor relations, public affairs,
marketing). The goals for the discussion(s):
share perspectives and priorities, and
ultimately outline what the company is or
could be doing to engage in climate policy.
● ●
Undertake a stakeholder review. In order
to fully engage in the wide and varied policy
landscape, companies need to understand
the diversity of stakeholders relevant to this
policy space. Companies can therefore un-
dertake a review which maps all the various
stakeholders they need to be tuned into and
with who they need to communicate. This
process will also inform the transparency
process detailed in section 3.2.
● ❑
Solicit external input. Numerous
companies noted the importance of
involving external perspectives in that
discussion. Outside thought leaders from
civil society, or even other sectors, can
provide a critical view and help identify
additional aspects of climate policy that
may be material to a company. They can
also lend legitimacy and credibility to the
company’s approach, as well as provide
valuable channels to infuence various
debates. WWF, for example, has worked
with numerous companies through its
Climate Savers program to identify and
create opportunities for companies to
infuence climate policy.
● ●
Complete a materiality and infuence in-
ventory. Internal and external experts can
provide important insights and those in-
sights can be captured in an "inventory" of
materiality and infuences. This could be a
simple table or materiality matrix to high-
light where the company is or should be
engaging in climate policy debates. It could
also draw from other inventory analyses,
such as a company’s GHG emissions, or the
risks it faces due to the impacts of climate
Figure 13 provides an illustrative
example of what this might look like.
vii. For resources and guidance on completing an inventory for GHG
emissions, see the Greenhouse Gas Protocol at www.ghgprotocol.
org. For guidance on assessing risks and opportunities related to
climate change impacts, see Caring for Climate’s Adapting for a
Green Economy and other resources at
What is the company doing
to influence relevant climate
change policies?
Reducing greenhouse gases
Could include:
● y
Reducing own emissions
● y
Reducing emissions in value chain
● y
Managing energy costs
● y
Providing low-carbon goods and services to
Adapting to climate impacts
Could include:
● y
Minimizing physical or financial risks to
● y
Minimizing disruptions to supply chain
● y
Providing new or better services to customers
● y
Investments in infrastructure and addressing
vulnerability in local communities
Direct policy influences
Could include:
● y
Lobbying of government
● y
Contributing to electoral
● y
Providing testimony, en-
dorsements, or participat-
ing in
● y
Participating in public-
private partnerships
● y
Participating in national
or international forums on
trade, technologies
Clean energy: one-on-one meetings in 2012 with
state and national policymakers in India and United
States to explain: company’s interest in reducing
GHGs via clean energy; highlight mitigation strate-
gies; and note importance of access to renewable
sources of energy.
Cap-and-trade: VP of Environment and VP of Public
Affairs presented the company’s position at a meeting
held by the French Senate in April 2012 to suggest
means of dealing with carbon leakage in EU-ETS.
Lobbying efforts in EU (in accordance with company’s
responsible lobbying policy) to express support for
decisions regarding allocations, benchmarks and
auctioning rules.
Health: provided public comments on public
health priorities to consider in national climate
change adaptation planning in South Africa.
Water: testified in front of US Senate to explain
risks of floods and droughts (and commodity
price shocks) in company’s global value chain.
Company will do further analysis of opportunities
to promote policies for climate change adaptation
in vulnerable markets.
Indirect policy influences
Could include:
● y
Information and public
relation campaigns
● y
Contributions to external,
non-governmental organi-
● y
Membership in trade
● y
Relationships with govern-
ment agencies through cur-
rent or former employees
● y
Engagement in interna-
tional or national business
alliances or initiatives
● y
Call to action, convening,
example setting
● y
Memberships on scientific
or economic committees
Trade group positions on energy and cap-and-
trade policies: several company experts and man-
agers, including Chairman and CEO, play active roles
in trade associations and lobby coalitions, such as:
● y
International Council of Chemical Associations
(ICCA); company is helping to shape ICCA
positions on climate policy,
Company also funds think tanks, universities and
NGOs (including: WWF, Oxfam, WRI).
Green economy: member of Green Growth Action
Alliance (G2A2) to support and promote low-carbon
economic development.
Company will do further analysis of indirect influences
to identify any inconsistencies in policy positions.
Pushing for pharma trade groups to engage
on health:
● y
International Federation of Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA)
● y
European Federation of Pharmaceutical
Industries and Associations (EFPIA)
Participating in Global Issue Platforms and
initiatives, or influencing positions of other
trade groups on water:
● y
CEO Water Mandate
● y
British Soft Drinks Association
● y
World Business Council for Sustainable
Funding initiatives to enhance social, economic,
and ecological resilience to climate change,
including efforts of specialized NGOs: Oxfam,
Figure 13. Example of an “inventory” of policy influences (based on actual responses to CDP’s 2013 questionnaire).
Align words with actions,
ambitions and infuences
(both direct and indirect)
To ensure consistency and accountability, a
responsible company will take steps to review
and align its direct and indirect infuences on
climate policy.
Why align words with actions? To en-
sure consistency and accountability.
Misalignment, between words and actions
or public and private messages, presents
some of the most signifcant challenges for
companies, according to those interviewed.
For example:
● ●
Thought leaders note systemic challenges
that make it diffcult for companies to back
up rhetoric with ambitious policy action.
Proactive companies may fnd opposition
among large, entrenched industries that are
fghting to protect the status quo and near-
term stock performance. Those industries
may have the support of governments due
to fears of job losses or impacts to pension
funds holding stock in those industries.
● ●
Companies, meanwhile, explain that it is ex-
tremely diffcult to convey a consistent mes-
sage across geographies and platforms (e.g.,
trade associations). Multiple individuals, not
always under the same direct management,
may be communicating a company’s views
on climate policy in different regions.
● ●
Companies and investors both observed
that the case for alignment often comes
down to spending money effectively and ef-
fciently. Inconsistent or uninformed policy
infuence is a waste of time and money.
Some have extended this thinking to the
money a company might spend on lobby-
ing, trade association membership, political
or research organizations, or even how it
allocates its pension plan.
● ●
Investors further noted that constructive
and consistent climate policy engagement
is seen as an indicator that a company is
effectively managing the transition to a
low-GHG economy, and position itself to
outperform peers.
All stakeholders interviewed agreed that
responsible engagement means working to
ensure consistency and accountability for mis-
alignment. Though challenging, fnding a way
to match words with actions and engaging on
policy in a consistent manner is achievable.
Companies Take Steps for Alignment and
Global pharmaceutical companies are fnd-
ing ways to link internal strategies with pub-
lic policy advocacy. Companies are advanc-
ing policies to create clean energy options
for the industry and stating publicly their
positions on the important links between
climate change and public health. Two brief
examples are provided in Appendix C.
Industry Takes a Leap
Despite initial resistance from part of the
industry, leaders in the lighting industry suc-
cessfully engaged policymakers to accelerate
a market transition to high effciency bulbs.
Led by companies like Philips, the industry
advocated for lighting effciency standards
at events in Europe and the United States,
followed by outreach in Brazil, China and
India. Public events and media coverage put
pressure on other companies who ultimately
joined the call. Industry was speaking loudly,
with a constructive and common message.
Policymakers embraced proposals because of
positive implications for jobs, competitive-
ness, local manufacturing and benefts to
citizens. Read more in Appendix C.
How to align words with actions
Stakeholders suggest an internal “audit”
is well worth the effort if it helps avoid
instances of inconsistencies and creates ac-
countability. A company may have existing
(or can establish new) management review
systems, board oversight committees or rela-
tionships with frms that provide fnancial or
sustainability advisory services. These can be
helpful starting points to evaluate alignment
of a company’s internal practices, external
messages, infuences, investments and strate-
gic priorities.
Companies can use the checklist in Figure
14 to assess whether words are aligning with
actions. The questions are designed to be
simple (yes/no answers), but can be tailored
to apply to specifc regions, sectors, business
units, etc. Companies can complete it inter-
nally and/or work with external partners,
such as NGOs, universities or consulting
frms who may already provide advisory
Figure 14. A ten question checklist to adapt and use for an internal “audit” to find and address inconsistencies.
1. Does the company promote climate change policies that account for the public good?
A good measure of ambition is if the company seeks to understand (via stakeholder engagement) and
promote climate change policies that draw links to other economic, social and environmental chal-
lenges (e.g., energy, water, food, mobility and health).
2. Has the company drawn all relevant links between the business, its value chain and
climate policy debates? This includes both the risk and the opportunity a company can expect, as
well as engagement opportunities identified in an “inventory” exercise where a company reviews its
direct and indirect policy influences.
3. How is the company ensuring accountability for influences on climate policy? Several
companies, for example, include external stakeholder reviews or statements (written by advisory
councils) in annual sustainability reports. Board committee oversight on climate policy is also com-
monly cited as good practice.
4. Has the company identified the value of engaging, does it see, or expect to see a payoff
from climate policy engagement? This includes competitive advantages being sought or realized,
or risks that have been mitigated, today or in the future.
5. Is the company playing a constructive role? Other companies, policymakers and NGOs are
well placed to comment on the role a company is playing in climate policy debates.
6. Do public and private messages across the world match up? This includes statements in
the press relative to the messages conveyed and positions taken in national and subnational debates.
7. Are any individuals or groups (inside or outside the company) misrepresenting the com-
pany’s policy positions? This would include policy engagement among different business units
that may have different views on climate policy. It would also include influences that trade associa-
tions are exerting on behalf of their members. These associations can often be viewed as the "voice of
business", and as the Union of Concerned Scientists has noted, many often misrepresent the science
behind climate change. See Appendix B discussion on Trade Associations.
8. Do the company’s words match its actions? Alignment means the company is backing up its
public messages with its policy influences and its strategic investments. It is aware of the pace and
scale science suggests is necessary and is working to demonstrate the feasibility of new solutions
and supportive policies. This includes, for example, consistency between what the company states in
its sustainability report and the influences it exerts on climate policy. It could also include consisten-
cy between the company’s policy positions and the investments it makes as part of its pension plan.
9. Is the company acknowledging and promoting policies consistent with the climate sci-
ence? This means promoting policies that aim to avoid dangerous disruptions, for example, those risks
expected as the global mean temperature continues to increase. Likewise it also means promoting
adaptive measures and investments to prepare markets and communities for climate impacts that are
occurring with current and future levels of warming.
10. Does the company have an up-to-date and public view on climate change (policy and
science)? The world evolves constantly and political winds shift quickly. Responsible companies can
reflect the latest understanding of climate science and policy by periodically updating older policy
statements and communicating current positions to stakeholders.
Report on policy positions,
infuences and outcomes
To ensure transparency, a responsible com-
pany will disclose information about how it
views climate policy and what it is doing (or
has done) to help advance policies that refect
that position.
Why report? To create transparency,
build trust among stakeholders and
improve internal systems.
Responsible companies, as they identify
infuence opportunities and align messages,
are in a good position to report publicly to
investors and other stakeholders. Consider
that in 2013, CDP, backed by 722 institu-
tional investors representing an excess of
$87 trillion in assets, began asking for more
detailed disclosure of climate policy engage-
ment (See Appendix D).
A wide range of stakeholders, from activ-
ists to policymakers, suggested corporate
disclosure helps improve policy dialogues.
They noted that companies who are "on the
record" in support of climate change poli-
cies can create trust and give policymakers
confdence to act. Interviewees noted that
transparency can help level the playing feld
and put pressure on peers to follow. Com-
panies that actively promote their positions
in public can help drive their sector and the
whole of industry to follow their lead (See:
Lighting Industry Takes a Leap). Proactive,
positive voices can also create public scrutiny
for laggards, simply by reporting on their
own positions.
Consider also that transparency can cre-
ate new access, and public messages can be
reinforced with private interactions (assum-
ing those messages are aligned). Policymak-
ers interviewed noted that companies shar-
ing public views, supporting policy proposals
and reporting activities are infuential and
credible—particularly when they follow up
with private interactions. For example, a
public letter signed by CEOs in support of
a particular policy is a valuable statement
and often creates access to a private conver-
sation where a company can share insight
directly with a policymaker. Similarly, public
awareness of a company’s position can lead
to candid phone calls with others who may
be debating their own positions (policymak-
ers, competitors, suppliers, customers). Those
conversations can be particularly infuential
and an opportunity to leverage transparency
to achieve a company’s policy goals.
It should also be noted that the very pro-
cess of collecting data and information in a
systematic way puts in place governance, ac-
countability and information systems. These
can improve a company’s ability to manage
risks and take advantage of opportunities
related to climate change action and policy.
How to be transparent and report
Figure 15 outlines three levels for compa-
nies to report progress toward responsible,
transparent engagement. It incorporates
the above recommendations to Identify and
Align and suggests the type of information
that companies can share with stakeholders.
Some companies that are early in the process
of engaging in policy debates may have
limited information to share, so can focus on
Tier I reporting. Others may be advanced in
their engagement strategies, with the ability
to share important information in Tier II or
Tier III.
This information can be provided as part
of an integrated annual fnancial and/or
sustainability reports in line with initiatives
such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
It can also be an element of other submis-
sions, such as to the UN Global Compact’s
Communications of Progress, as well as
responses to the UN Global Compact’s Imple-
mentation Survey or CDP’s Investor Question-
naire. Or it could be provided as part of man-
dated reporting in countries like the United
Kingdom and India, where companies are
being asked to disclose information about
environmental and social performance.
Tier I. Climate Policy Positions
Essential information to disclose Illustrative questions to ask and answer
The company provides a public statement noting its posi-
tions on climate policy, including:
A) General statement on why climate change is (or is not)
material to the company’s value chain.
B) Views on the need to reduce GHGs (and the pace of those
reductions) globally and in its major markets.
C) Views on how to adapt to the climate change impacts af-
fecting the company and its value chain.
In addition, the company includes a simple statement
attached to all public comments on policy proposals that
A) Whether the comments align (or do not align) with the
company’s stated position on climate change.
B) Whether the comments support (or do not support) the
company’s other efforts and investments to reduce GHGs
and adapt to climate change impacts.
● y
Does the company have a public statement
with general views on climate policy?
o What are the company’s views on the pace of
GHG reductions?
o What are the company’s views on the priorities
for preparing for climate impacts?
● y
Are there national or subnational climate
change policies that the company views as
particularly effective and cost-efficient?
● y
Does the company include a position state-
ment in all public comments on climate
change-related policy?
Tier II. Climate Policy Influences
Essential information to disclose Illustrative questions to ask and answer
The company provides a summary of specific policy interests
and influences, including:
A) Objectives and outcomes of direct engagement in specific
climate policy debates.
B) Strategies for managing indirect influences (including
through trade associations).
● y
Has the company completed an inventory of
climate policy interests and influences?
● y
If yes, provide:
o a brief summary of direct influences
o a brief summary of indirect influences
o a brief summary of who within the organization
is overseeing, managing and executing influence
strategies for climate policy debates
o a list of the major policy measures the company
has advocated for (and the outcome, if any)
Tier III. Climate Policy Alignment
Essential information to disclose Illustrative questions to ask and answer
The company—or an advisory firm
it has contracted with—
summarizes key findings of an internal audit (e.g. using the
ten question checklist), including:
A) A review of how the company aligns its policy positions
with climate science.
B) A review of influences in different markets, on different
policy topics.
C) A review of the company’s positions and statements on
climate change in various media, to various stakeholders.
D) A review of existing mechanisms to ensure accountability
(e.g., board oversight).
● y
Has the company completed an internal
audit for consistency and accountability on
climate policy?
● y
If yes, what were the conclusions regarding:
o Consistency with climate science (e.g., pace and
scale of GHG reductions)?
o Consistency among words and actions? Across
o Internal oversight and accountability mecha-
Figure 15. Framework for reporting engagement in climate policy.
viii. A company may perform the internal assessment on its own or with the assistance of an independent advisory frm (which is recommended).
This report has outlined the general context
and case for companies to participate in
climate policy debates. It details fve core ele-
ments of responsible engagement and offers
three practical steps a company can take,
concurrently, to have a constructive infu-
ence on tackling one of today’s most pressing
global problems.
Debates on national and international
climate policy urgently need business voices
to shape the right frameworks for a stable,
low-carbon global economy. And companies
can best leverage their infuence, direct
or indirect, with a consistent position and
message. They can back up their words with
actions and demonstrate to policymakers
what options can be most effective to reduce
GHGs, adapt to climate change impacts, and
avoid costly disruptions to businesses and
the global economy.
Companies can draw inspiration from
peers who have succeeded in championing
climate policies, including those featured
as the numerous examples and case studies
cited throughout this report. Different com-
panies will no doubt have different insights,
positions and strategies to engage. What is
important is that companies begin develop-
ing those strategies now. They must assess
the implications of climate change, create
and align policy positions, and seize these
opportunities to provide constructive input.
Opportunity Consistency Accountability Transparency
Initiate meetings, plans, budgets to
create a strategy to engage proactively
(with others) in climate policy
Figure 16. Responsible engagement into practice
Research was a combination of desk-based analysis and interviews as follows:
1. Synthesis of existing guidance
The report draws from a review of existing literature, namely 13 studies or guides that offer
principles, analysis and recommendations for responsible corporate policy engagement. The
report synthesizes key takeaways into the fve core elements noted in Section 2. The 13 studies
and guides reviewed include:
● ●
Union of Concerned Scientists “A Climate of Corporate Control” (2012)
● ●
Business for Social Responsibility “Communicating on Climate Policy Engagement” (2010)
● ●
Pacifc Institute, WWF, et al. “Guide to Responsible Business Engagement with Water Policy”
● ●
Internal CDP research notes (2012). Summary of interviews and research completed on inves-
tor interest in climate change policy disclosure.
● ●
Ceres “21st Century Corporation” (2010)
● ●
Stanford Social Innovation Review “Lobbying for Good” (2009)
● ●
AccountAbility “Towards Responsible Lobbying” (2005)
● ●
SustainAbility, WWF UK “Infuencing Power” (2005)
● ●
SustainAbility “Gearing Up” (2004)
● ●
Green Alliance "The private life of public affairs" (2003)
● ●
Janus, SustainAbility, GPC “Politics and Persuasion” (2001)
● ●
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change “Institutional investors’ expectations of
corporate climate risk management” (2012)
● ●
Robert Repetto, Yale Working Paper “Best Practice in Internal Oversight of Lobbying Practice”
Reference: Title, Author, Year accountability consistency legitimacy opportunity transparency
Towards Responsible Lobbying,
AccountAbility and UNGC, 2005
"Politics and persuasion: corporate
influence on sustainable develop-
ment policy," The Janus Programme,
"A Climate of Corporate Control”
Union of Concerned Scientists, May
"Best Practice in Internal Over-
sight of Lobbying Practice," Robert
Repetto, Yale Working Paper, 2006
BSR, Communicating on Climate
Policy Engagement, March 2010
CDP internal research paper, 6Heads,
Institutional investors' expectations
of corporate climate risk manage-
ment, IIGCC, 2012
Lobbying for Good, K. Peterson &
M. Pfitzer, 2009
CERES 21st century corporation X X X
Gearing up, SustainAbility, 2004 X X X X
The CEO Water Mandate: Guide to
Responsible Business Engagement
with Water Policy, Nov 2010.
"The private life of public affairs"
Caulkin and Collins, 2003.
"Influencing Power", WWF UK and
SustainAbility, 2005
9 12 7 9 13
Figure 17. A summary table of the common elements in existing guides and studies on responsible corpo-
rate engagement on policy. An “X” indicates the element appears in the context of a strong recommendation
or conclusion. The guides and studies also highlighted other elements, but those noted below and in Section
2 were the ones that appeared in at least half of the guides and studies reviewed. (The absence of an “X”
does not indicate the element is discounted or ignored as each of the five elements appears in the general
discussion of many of the guides and studies below.)
2. Interviews
Nearly 75 individuals from more than 60 organizations (across 20 countries) helped
inform this report, either through interviews or expert reviews of early drafts. The
partners on this report are very grateful for the candid input received from individuals
at the following organizations:
Caesar’s Entertainment
Novo Nordisk
Mahindra Sanyo Steel
Rio Tinto
Tata Steel
Arcelor Mittal
GDF Suez Latin America
Thought leaders and civil society
Tyndall Centre
Greenpeace Brasil
Duke University
Former Member of the European Parliament
WRI and WRI-India, WRI-China
The Climate Group
Independent CSR Consultant
Business for Social Responsibility
Union of Concerned Scientists
WWF and WWF-Australia, WWF-US
US Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy
UK Department of Energy & Climate Change
UNFCCC Delegation of Mali
UK Committee on Climate Change
Korea Energy Economics Institute
Institute for Sustainable Development and Inter-
national Relations
UNFCCC Delegation of Antigua & Barbuda
UNFCCC Delegation of Mexico
UK Capital Markets Climate Initiative
3. Data from CDP 2013 Questionnaire and UN Global Compact
Implementation Survey
The report incorporated additional insights from public responses of companies
reporting to:
● ●
CDP’s 2013 questionnaire, specifcally on Question 2.3 “Do you engage in activities
that could either directly or indirectly infuence policy on climate change through any
of the following?” (Direct Engagement, Trade Associations, Funding Research Organi-
zations, Other).
● ●
The UN Global Compact’s Annual Implementation Survey, specifcally questions re-
garding public policy advocacy.
● ●
The Caring for Climate Progress Report 2013, specifcally data on Caring for Climate
signatories process on meeting commitment three on engaging in climate policy
Country perspectives represented in the
Antigua & Barbuda
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States
WHEB Asset Management
Investor Group on Climate Change
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change
Aviva Investors
Industry groups
Global e-Sustainability Initiative
International Chamber of Commerce
Business Council for Sustainable Energy
International Emissions Trading Association
Association of Climate Change Officers
World Energy Council
Business leaders partner to push
for policy
Companies have found value in partnering
with others, to get attention and build trust
among policymakers, and to better under-
stand and promote ambitious climate policy.
The US Climate Action Partnership (US-
CAP) was an active coalition from 2007-2010
(dormant since). At one point, it consisted of
26 major companies and six environmental
What worked well:
● ●
Top-level decision makers at infuential
companies were deeply involved and com-
mitted. The genesis of the coalition involved
direct conversations among CEOs at Fortune
500 companies and major environmental
organizations. It involved top-level decision
makers talking to their counterparts and,
importantly, involved policy advocacy far
beyond simple letter writing activities. It
also involved GHG-intensive companies that
would be directly affected by GHG regula-
tions, thus their strong call for policy action
was particularly infuential.
● ●
Using climate change outcomes as the
organizing principle. Most other coali-
tions weighing in on the climate policy
were organized by specifc industry or
general business interests. One of the most
important aspects of USCAP is that it was
intentionally composed of global corpora-
tions with large carbon footprints. Having
the largest emitters calling for policy action
resonated in a way that other coalitions
have not. The messengers were central to
its infuence. The shared climate change
objectives articulated in USCAP’s “Call to
Action” and “Blueprint for Legislative Ac-
tion” set it apart and focused on the policy
objectives. The companies involved were
able to point to USCAP position state-
ments—as opposed to the industry group
positions—as their advocacy platform.
● ●
Mutual benefts and support among co-
alition members. The unlikely alliance be-
tween large businesses and environmental
groups gave the companies space to weigh
in with credibility and gave environmental
groups an added political and economic
force behind their push for effective policy.
What proved to be a challenge:
Despite the efforts of USCAP and others, na-
tional climate change legislation has not yet
passed the U.S. Congress. In analyzing the
failure to successfully advocate for legisla-
tion, some have criticized the bargaining
and deal-making that went on within USCAP
to create a compromise position. Others
point to competing legislative priorities, like
health care, or a weak economy and strong
opposition from the energy industry.
Below are challenges that those closely in-
volved in USCAP have noted. These can serve
as useful lessons to future approaches.
● ●
CEO-level engagement is important, but
the broader organization needs to buy in
too. It was just as important to ensure that
those supporting the CEO (board, middle
management, employees) understand and
buy into the rationale for advocating for
climate policy. Some members of USCAP,
companies and environmental organiza-
tions, did not have full internal support for
participating in the coalition.
● ●
The message about the benefts of policy
action need to resonate locally, outside
political circles in Washington, D.C.
Several companies in the coalition were
criticized for simply seeking to create big-
ger markets for their products and services
through their lobbyists. Looking back, some
suggest that the companies that touted the
What is it that business can do within the context of a highly politicized debate? What have
proactive companies been able to do? What worked well? What remains a challenge? Below
are examples with insights relating to responsible engagement.
business case of USCAP made the benefts
too individual. It would be more effective
to articulate benefts for the company and
national interests (local manufacturing,
middle class). Similarly, more outreach and
engagement was needed outside Washing-
ton, D.C. in communities where benefts
would be realized.
● ●
There was immense pressure and real
risks for those speaking out on the issue.
Some of the member companies and en-
vironmental groups commented that they
faced criticism for participating in USCAP.
Companies strained relationships with sup-
pliers, customers and lawmakers who were
upset that the company was advocating
so strongly alongside environmentalists.
Environmental organizations were criti-
cized for getting too cozy with industry and
bowing to corporate interests. Members
of the coalition generally stand by the im-
portance of the alliance and its impact on
the debate. However, going forward, many
note that it may be possible to mitigate
the risk of being outspoken. For example,
rather than focusing on one sweeping
piece of legislation, companies and others
can focus on lending political support to
individual but important policy outcomes
for energy effciency, emission standards
for power plants, and similar measures that
can reduce GHG emissions.
U.S. Broad coalition of business
interests advocate for climate
Business for Innovative Climate and Ener-
gy Policy (BICEP) has been an active climate
advocacy coalition since November 2008.
Organized by the non-proft organization Ce-
res, the group continues to grow and added
six new members in 2013. BICEP’s resilience
is due in part to its diversifed corporate
membership representing a broad swath of
economic interests ranging from the Outdoor
Industry Association to Owens Corning to
many members of the apparel sector.
With Ceres as its foundation, the principles
of “transparency,” ”consistency” and “account-
ability” are core to the members' understand-
ing of their own responsibility as companies.
What has worked well:
● ●
Staying power: Despite the defeat of
notable federal legislation in the United
States, BICEP members have stayed at the
table, taking public positions before policy-
makers, and in the press, at the federal and
state levels. The members have felt a clear
connection to their internal commitment
to sustainability and the public policy posi-
tions so as to keep them consistent.
● ●
Broad engagement: BICEP companies
have consistently included middle and
senior managers in advocacy opportunities.
Whenever possible BICEP members have
gone a step further to engage employees
and customers.
Advances in social media in the past few
years have made broad campaign efforts
more feasible. In 2012-2013, BICEP mem-
bers developed a broad based economic
opportunity message known as a Climate
Declaration which stated: “Tackling Cli-
mate Change is one of America’s Great-
est Economic Opportunities of the 21st
Century (and it is simply the right thing to
do.)” BICEP members called on hundreds
of companies across the United States to
join them in making the economic case
for climate and energy policy action. This
broad public messaging strategy has helped
to cultivate the policy message outside of
Washington, D.C., and as of October 2013
included 700 companies.
● ●
Broad business interest representation:
Perhaps BICEP’s greatest contribution to
the climate change debate has been its
ability to represent the interests of large
energy users (vs. energy producers) and
companies with complex and vulnerable
supply chains, which include agricultural
and other commodities. Thus rather than
the law being drafted only by those who
will be directly regulated, BICEP has sought
to include a plurality of interests in the
climate change debate.
● ●
Safe space for policy engagement: Since
BICEP is a business-only coalition with
Ceres as its secretariat and a clear com-
mitment to making the economic case, its
members for the most part have suffered
minimal if any reputational risks as a
result of their membership. BICEP does not
have environmental groups as members
and strives to encourage bi-partisan debate.
What has proven to be a challenge:
● ●
Lack of federal legislation: The lack of ef-
fective bi-partisan climate and energy legis-
lation on which to lobby at the federal level
has made it diffcult for BICEP members
who would otherwise be actively engaged
beyond broad policy pronouncements and
● ●
Complexity of trade association afflia-
tion: In many cases, BICEP members con-
tinue the relationship with a trade associa-
tion with whom they openly disagree on
climate and energy policy in order to lever-
age the association in other areas. This has
caused issues when those trade associations
take opposing views and claim to represent
the positions of its members.
The 3% Solution
In June 2013, CDP and WWF released The
3% Solution: Driving Profts from Carbon
Reduction, a report showing how business in
the United States can beneft from invest-
ments to reduce GHG emissions. The report
answered two questions:
● ●
How large is the gap between the expected
level of U.S. business emissions in 2020 and
the level they would need to be to help keep
the rise in global temperature below 2°C?
● ●
And, how much of the gap could be closed
The report documents that companies would
need to reduce emissions 3% per year or a
total of 1.2 gigatons of CO
e (GtCO
e) in 2020
and that the gap could be closed proftably,
saving companies up to $780 billion (net
present value) by 2020. To realize the savings,
U.S. companies need to invest between 3 to
4 per cent of their capital expenditures in
carbon reduction investments. The report
also shows how delaying action would leave
the 2°C target out of reach.
The report offers a Carbon Productiv-
ity Portfolio—fve actions for achieving the
necessary 1.2 GtCO
e in annual reductions
in 2020. The portfolio calls for companies to
(1) set ambitious targets in order to realize
the 3% goal, (2) improve energy management
and effciency through behavioral change
and technological innovation; (3) switch to
renewable/low-carbon alternative energy
supplies (solar PV, for example); (4) develop
low-carbon products and supply chains; and
(5) engage with stakeholders and the gov-
ernment. Strong policy incentives can help
accelerate and ensure long-term reductions.
Companies interested in developing a mitiga-
tion strategy can use a calculator to estimate
their share of the savings and how much
they could proftably reduce emissions by
2020 at
Trade Associations: Managing
Indirect Infuences
Key challenges noted during the expert
● ●
A trade association may take positions
that only represent those most fercely
opposed to a climate policy. Some pointed
out that the most vocal voices within a
broad business group are those that will be
directly regulated or face additional near-
term costs. Other companies that may have
indirect benefts from a climate policy may
not have capacity to engage on that topic or
simply may not be as infuential in shaping
the group’s position. One corporate execu-
tive questioned whether trade associations
that claim to represent broad business
interests should even be taking positions
on climate change, as the risks, costs and
benefts will vary widely by sector and by
● ●
The trade association can be more power-
ful than a single company. Politically,
trade associations can be very infuential.
They can be viewed as “the voice” of an in-
dustry and can claim to represent interests
that are bigger and broader than any single
● ●
In some countries, membership in a
trade association is mandatory. Compa-
nies may be legally required to be a mem-
ber of a trade association to do business in
a certain country or region. A company can
fnd it diffcult to have a constructive, con-
sistent voice on climate policy if that trade
association is taking an opposing view.
● ●
For large companies, it is diffcult track-
ing the positions of various trade associa-
tions. Some companies are members of
multiple groups around the world. They
may simply be unaware of the positions
that their trade associations are taking on
climate change policies.
● ●
Some companies do not want to push
policy actions too far beyond the industry
position. This varies by industry, as differ-
ent companies had different perspectives
and experiences. At least a few noted that
some CEOs do not wish to take aggressive
positions on climate change for fear of jeop-
ardizing personal relationships with CEOs of
other companies in their association.
In light of these challenges, a few of the
options suggested for companies to demon-
strate consistency on climate policy:
● ●
Review the climate policy positions and
infuences exerted by trade associations.
Consider Figure 18, adapted from an analy-
sis by the Union of Concerned Scientists. It
shows how different U.S. trade associations
have engaged in climate policy to date.
● ●
Publicly distance the company from the
position taken by a trade association.
Among the clearest ways to establish con-
sistency is to clarify publicly what a compa-
ny’s position is on climate policy and how
that differs from a position a trade associa-
tion is taking. This was something several
of the companies in the U.S. Climate Action
Partnership did to clarify their positions.
Companies like Johnson & Johnson, Gener-
al Electric, and Alcoa (among others) made
public statements or sent public letters to
trade associations like the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, to note their views. Similarly,
Microsoft, upon signing the Climate Dec-
laration in 2013 and announcing it would
be updating its Global Public Policy Agenda
with strong renewable energy advocacy
positions, made a point to distance itself
from the American Legislative Exchange
Council (ALEC) and the group’s efforts to
repeal state renewable energy laws, noting
“ALEC is not speaking for us on renewable
energy policy.”
● ●
Work within a trade association to make
the case for constructive engagement.
CDP’s 2013 Questionnaire showed that 71
per cent of the Global 500 companies that
responded to CDP said that they engaged in
activities that could either directly or indi-
rectly infuence policy on climate change
through trade associations. Of these, 79 per
cent are in positions of infuence, either on
the board of directors or providing fund-
ing to trade associations beyond member-
ship dues. There is an opportunity for the
proactive voices to make a push for more
responsible infuences on climate policy.
● ●
Discontinue membership trade associa-
tions that oppose or obstruct climate
change policies. Several companies that
have found their positions on climate policy
to be in confict with those of their trade as-
sociations have opted to leave. Duke Energy
discontinued its membership in the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers in 2009,
citing the group's opposition to climate
policy and that “in tough times, we want to
invest in associations that are pulling in the
same direction we are.” Several other U.S.
companies, like Apple, Exelon and Mohawk
Paper, left the Chamber of Commerce in
2009 because of the Chamber’s lobbying
position on national climate policy.
● ●
Form proactive, infuential coalitions to
counter defensive voices. Several noted
that while trade associations are politi-
cally powerful, they often only represent a
few individual and infuential companies.
Creating separate industry coalitions that
provide constructive input and support is
a means of giving policymakers an impor-
tant signal that many other companies are
open to discussing and creating policies to
address climate change.
Figure 18. An example from the Union of Concerned Scientists of different trade association
positions and influences.
Acceptance of the Science – Does the association accept basic climate science as the foundation
for discussion of climate change policy?
Support for Climate Action – Does the association express support for clear and substantial
emissions-reduction goals, or do they use language that is more vague and qualified?
Policy Endorsement – Has the association gone beyond general support for climate action to
endorse a specific climate policy proposal?
Evaluations are based on a wide range of information sources, including interviews with association
staff members, statements on association websites or on social media platforms, statements to the
news media, testimony to Congress, and public comments on proposed regulations or legislation.
Trade Group Accepts the
a Policy?
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
National Association of Manufacturers
American Petroleum Institute
National Mining Association
American Coal Council
Business Roundtable
National Solid Waste Management
American Chemistry Council
Biomass Thermal Energy Council
American Gas Association
Nuclear Energy Institute
Edison Electric Institute
American Wind Energy Association
Solar Energy Industries Association
= No
= Yes
= Limited
= Yes
= Yes
ICT Industry Identifes
Information and communications technol-
ogy (ICT) companies have articulated and
are demonstrating an immense opportunity
for GHG emission reductions. To make an
effective case, they have worked together and
with external experts to explore, analyze
and present the scale of the opportunity.
The global information and communica-
tions technology (ICT) industry is one of the
fastest growing sources of energy use and
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Two major
ICT trends are driving customer demands
and growth in the industry: a shift to virtual
or “cloud-based” services; and increased use
of wireless access from personal devices. The
ICT industry is addressing these demands
with the environmental impact and oppor-
tunities in mind. Meanwhile, the industry
has recognized and is beginning to take on
the role of a solution provider, reducing GHG
emissions and adapting to climate change
In 2008, the SMART2020 report from The
Climate Group, the Global e-Sustainability
Initiative (GeSI), and a partnership of ICT
companies, demonstrated for the frst time
that the ICT industry–through its ability to
monitor and maximize energy effciency–
could cut global CO
emissions by 15 per
cent by 2020 relative to business as usual.
This reduction was fve times the industry’s
own carbon footprint. An updated report,
SMARTer 2020, released in 2012, found that
this global reduction potential had increased
to 9 GtCO
e, or seven times the ICT sector’s
own footprint.
The SMARTer 2020 report, articulated
the opportunities for the ICT sector across
multiple geographies along with policy barri-
ers and incentives. Companies like AT&T, BT,
Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, HP, Ericsson, Verizon
and Microsoft, have adopted and championed
these fndings in their policy engagement.
What is perhaps most impressive is how
the industry is aligning behind such solu-
tions and the policies needed to support
For example, Ericsson and several other
GeSI members are part of the Broadband
Commission, which in 2012 released a report
describing the policy action needed to real-
ize the potential for GHG reductions. It also
articulated examples of initiatives across
various countries showing promise for creat-
ing tremendous economic and environmen-
tal benefts.
Similarly, at Alcatel-Lucent, the company
has engaged internally and externally to re-
alize the potential for big solutions. In 2010,
then CEO Ben Verwaayen tasked the com-
pany’s Bell Labs with assessing how the busi-
ness could tackle climate change challenges.
Bell Labs came back with an analysis show-
ing the feasibility of improving the energy
effciency of communication networks by a
factor of 1,000 (compared to 2010) by 2015.
To achieve this goal faster, the company
took this idea to the wider industry and
asked others to join them in the quest for the
1000X goal. What resulted was GreenTouch—
a collaboration of over 60 industry leaders,
academic, public sector and NGO experts. The
consortium has already achieved 90 per cent
of the goal, and has been recognized by the
World Economic Forum as a best practice ex-
ample of multi-stakeholder action to address
today’s global climate change challenge.
Pharmaceutical Companies Take
Steps for Consistency
Global pharmaceutical companies are fnd-
ing ways to link internal strategies with pub-
lic policy advocacy. Companies are advancing
policies to create clean energy options for the
industry and stating publicly their positions
on the important links between climate
change and public health. Two brief exam-
ples are provided below, profling efforts at
GlaxoSmithKline and Novo Nordisk.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): The company has
published several public statements with
positions on climate change among a broader
list of more than 40 position statements.
This includes a general statement on climate
change, as well as specifc statements relat-
ing to topics of particular relevance to the
company (e.g., GSK Statement on the Impact
of Climate Change on Health). The company
also lists trade group memberships and
describes its engagement with public policy
In 2013, the GSK’s Corporate Responsi-
bility Committee made further efforts to
ensure alignment. It asked the company’s
Audit and Assurance Group to review inter-
nal processes and risk to company reputation
surrounding public commitments, including
those relating to climate change.
Novo Nordisk: The company created a
“Blueprint for Change” for major issues af-
fecting its future. The company uses it to cre-
ate coherent strategies and help in “measur-
ing realized benefts for both society and the
organization, and sharing this information
with our stakeholders.” On climate change,
Novo Nordisk seeks to match its “Blueprint”
with actions, complementing other initia-
tives and business goals and building cred-
ibility with local partners and policymakers.
The company started modestly, engaging
with WWF to build initial capacity on the
issue. Novo Nordisk recognized that part-
nerships to promote clean energy resources
would be essential to its future. The company
is now partnering with others, for example
engaging offcials in China, to promote clean
energy incentives. In 2013, Novo Nordisk
signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) with Tianjin Economic-Technological
Development Area to increase focus on
renewable energy around the company’s
production site in Tianjin, China. It followed
other MOUs the company signed in 2011
with Vestas, a leading producer of wind tur-
bines, and Novozymes, a leading producer of
enzymes, to support wind energy in Tianjin.
Lighting Industry Takes a Leap
The lighting industry did something that
on the surface might seem odd. It supported
legislation to phase out older, ineffcient
products that for some companies made up
more than half of their annual sales. One
might expect ferce resistance from compa-
nies to any regulatory attempt that would
cause such a shift. Instead they championed
the transition.
Recognizing the growing global chal-
lenges related to climate change and energy
costs, leaders in the lighting industry began
considering their regulatory future. The
incandescent light bulb had been around for
more than 100 years and still dominated the
market because of cheap initial costs and re-
liable performance (despite limited lifespans
and high energy demands).
In industry group meetings, leaders
discussed climate change and its regulatory
impact on future markets, fnding essentially
two options:
1. Wait, fght effciency standards, and
make the transition when countries even-
tually pass legislation.
2. Figure out now what can be done, un-
derstand the important barriers, and use
those insights to help shape regulation.
Most of the industry defaulted to the frst op-
tion, initially at least.
Some companies, however, looked ahead
and worked to stimulate an industry transi-
tion. Philips, for example, embarked on a
public campaign highlighting their outlook
and analyses showing what was technically
and economically feasible. Major media at-
tention and platforms at major policy events
prompted additional dialogue within the
Benefts for consumers, businesses and
national governments were highlighted in
multiple public events at a time when energy
cost savings were increasingly important.
Macro-economic benefts of energy effciency
were put forward, pointing to the billions
of dollars to be saved on electricity bills and
the hundreds of power plants that otherwise
would need to be built. It proved to be an
effective argument, overcoming ferce op-
position from other interest groups that did
not want to see government action that ef-
fectively banned conventional incandescent
light bulbs.
The highly public outreach put pressure
on others in the industry who did not want
to be left behind or seen as holding back
innovation. Others ultimately joined the
call for an accelerated transition to high
effciency lighting. Momentum for policy
action started in the EU, U.S. and other OECD
countries and spread to countries like Brazil,
and China and India.
Policymakers embraced policy propos-
als because of positive implications for jobs,
competitiveness, local manufacturing—im-
portantly—the easily articulated benefts
to citizens. The establishment of real world
trials in a number of international cities
through The Climate Group’s LightSaver
programme, and in collaboration with
manufacturers, provided decision makers
with the empirical data they needed to make
the business case for light emitting diodes
(LEDs). Effciency standards and regulatory
frameworks emerged in multiple states and
countries as policymakers found themselves
with a constructive industry voice support-
ing efforts to pass legislation.
A Statement by the Business Leaders of the Caring for Climate Initiative
Since business leaders from around the world frst came together to issue this statement
in 2007, the magnitude and urgency of the climate challenge has become more apparent.
Climate change is a momentous threat to development, to peace and security, and to market
stability. While the pace of action by governments, businesses and society at large has in-
creased, our efforts, individually and collectively, must be accelerated further if the threat of
catastrophic climate change is to be removed effectively. It is with this in mind that we renew
our call to the business community to make a lasting commitment to climate action now.
1. Climate Change is an issue requiring urgent and extensive action on the part of govern-
ments, business and citizens if the risk of serious damage to global prosperity, sustainable
development and security is to be avoided.
2. Climate change poses both risks and opportunities to businesses of all sizes, sectors and
regions of the world. It is in the best interest of the business community, as well as respon-
sible behavior, to take an active and leading role in deploying low-carbon technologies,
increasing energy effciency, reducing carbon emissions and in assisting society to adapt to
those changes in the climate which are now unavoidable.
3. Taking further practical actions to improve continuously the effciency of energy usage
and to reduce the carbon footprint of our products, services and processes, to set volun-
tary targets for doing so, and to report publicly and annually on the achievement of those
targets in our Communication on Progress-Climate.
4. Building signifcant capacity within our organizations to understand fully the implications
of climate change for our business and to develop a coherent business strategy for mini-
mizing risks and identifying opportunities.
5. Engaging more actively with our own national governments, inter-governmental
organizations and civil society to develop policies and measures to provide an en-
abling framework for business to contribute effectively to building a low-carbon and
climate-resilient economy.
6. Continuing to work collaboratively with other enterprises both nationally and sectorally,
and along our value-chains, to set standards and take joint initiatives aimed at reducing
climate risks, assisting with adaptation to climate change and enhancing climate-related
7. Becoming an active business champion for rapid and extensive climate action, working
with our peers, employees, customers, investors and the broader public.
8. The urgent creation, in close consultation with the business community and civil
society, of comprehensive, long-term and effective legislative and fscal frameworks
designed to make markets work for the climate, in particular policies and mecha-
nisms intended to create a stable price for carbon.
9. Recognition that building effective public-private partnerships to respond to the climate
challenge will require major public investments to catalyze and support business and civil
society led initiatives, especially in relation to research, development, deployment and
transfer of low carbon energy technologies and the construction of a low-carbon infra-
10. Vigorous international cooperation aimed at providing a robust and innovative
global policy framework within which private investments in building a low-carbon
economy can be made, as well as providing fnancial and other support to assist those
countries that require help to realize their own climate mitigation and adaptation
targets while achieving poverty alleviation, energy security and natural resource
11. Work collaboratively on joint initiatives between public and private sectors and through
them achieve a comprehensive understanding of how both public and private sectors can
best play a pro-active and leading role in meeting the climate challenge in an effective
12. Invite the UN Global Compact to promote the public disclosure of actions taken by the
signatories to this Statement and, in cooperation with UN Environment Programme and
the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, communicate on this
on a regular basis.
List of signatories to be found here:
1 See for example: Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC). 2013. Climate
Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis.
Working Group I contribution to the IPCC
Fifth Assessment Report (WGI AR5) http://
U.S. Department of Defense. 2010. Qua-
drennial Defense Review. http://www. Dietz, S. and N. Stern. 2008.
Why Economic Analysis Supports Strong
Action on Climate Change: A Response
to the Stern Review's Critics http://reep.
2 See UN Framework Convention on Cli-
mate Change “Essential Background”
3 See UNGC on “Overview of the UN Global
4 Caring for Climate Progress Report,
November 2013.
5 UNFCCC glossary available:
6 UN Global Compact, Building the Post-
2015 Business Engagement Architecture,
September 2013, http://www.unglobalcom-
7 WWF and SustainAbility. 2005. Infuenc-
ing Power: Reviewing the conduct and
content of corporate lobbying, Online at
8 Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). 2013.
Assessing Trade and Business Groups’
Positions on Climate Change. Cam-
bridge, MA. Online at
tradegroups. Union of Concerned Scientists
(UCS). 2012. A Climate of Corporate
Control. Cambridge, MA. Online at http://
9 Schendler, A and Toffel, M. 2011. “What
environmental ratings miss”. Harvard
Business School, September 2011. Online
Files/12-017.pdf Repetto, R. 2006. "Best
Practice in Internal Oversight of Lobby-
ing Practice," Yale Working Paper, 2006.,
Online at
10 The Guardian Sustainable Business,
Carbon Disclosure Project's virtual Global
Forum on September 14, 2011. http://www.
11 The Guardian Sustainable Business,
Carbon Disclosure Project's virtual Global
Forum on September 14, 2011. http://www.
12 Repetto, R. 2006.
13 Corporate Leaders Group on Climate
Change letter to Prime Minister Blair,
May 2005.
14 UNEP. 2013. Emissions Gap Report 2013.
15 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC). 2013. Climate Change
2013: The Physical Science Basis. Work-
ing Group I contribution to the IPCC Fifth
Assessment Report (WGI AR5) http://www. See also the resourc-
es available on IPCC for business at the
University of Cambridge Programme for
Sustainability Leadership. Online at http://
16 International Energy Agency (IEA). 2013.
Redrawing the Energy Climate Map.
17 The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders
Group (CLG). 2013. Carbon Price Commu-
18 World Bank, 2013. Mapping carbon
pricing initiatives: developments and
19 For additional discussion and summaries
of climate and energy initiatives, see: Ba-
rua, et al. 2012. Delivering on the Clean
Energy Economy: The role of policy in
developing successful domestic solar
and wind industries. Working Paper.
World Resources Institute: Open Climate
Moch, J. 2013. “ChinaFAQs—Short Take.”
Fact Sheet. World Resources Institute:
Qiu, J. 2013. “China gets tough on
carbon.” Nature 498, 145–146 (13 June
20 World Energy Council. 2013. World
Energy Trilemma 2013: Time to get real
– the case for sustainable energy invest-
21 Climate Policy Initiative, 2013. The
Policy Climate. http://climatepolicyinitiative.
22 Bianco, et al. 2013. Can the U.S. Get
There from Here? Using Existing Fed-
eral Laws and State Action to Reduce
Greenhouse Gas Emissions. World
Resources Institute.
23 Climate Policy Initiative, 2013.
24 SustainAbility. 2004. Gearing up: From
corporate responsibility to good gover-
nance and scalable solutions, http://www.
Institutional Investors Group on Climate
Change (IIGCC), et al. 2012. Institutional
investors' expectations of corporate
climate risk management, http://www.
The Janus Programme, 2002. "Politics
and persuasion: corporate infuence on
sustainable development policy," http://
Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). 2012.
Repetto, R. 2006;
Schuchard, R. 2010. Communicating on
Climate Policy Engagement, Business
for Social Responsibility
Burley and Hoedeman, 2011. The best
infuence money can buy: presenting
the 10 worst corporate lobbyists; New
Internationalist Magazine.
25 Accountability and UNGC. 2005. Towards
Responsible Lobbying. http://www.account-
The Janus Programme. 2002.
Schuchard, R. 2010.
SustainAbility. 2004.
WWF and SustainAbility. 2005.
26 The Janus Programme. 2002.
27 U.S. Department of Energy. 2013. U.S. En-
ergy Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate
Change and Extreme Weather. http://en-
28 Ceres. 2010. The 21st Century Corpora-
29 Institutional Investors Group on Climate
Change (IIGCC), et al. 2012.
30 Repetto, R. 2006.
31 Ceres. 2010.
Repetto, R. 2006.
Launched in 2000, the United Nations Global
Compact is both a policy platform and a practical
framework for companies that are committed to
sustainability and responsible business practices.
As a multi-stakeholder leadership initiative, it seeks
to align business operations and strategies with ten
universally accepted principles in the areas of hu-
man rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption
and to catalyze actions in support of broader UN
goals. With more than 8,000 corporate participants
in 145 countries, it is the world’s largest voluntary
corporate sustainability initiative.
With 195 Parties, the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has near
universal membership and is the parent treaty of
the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has
been ratified by 192 of the UNFCCC Parties. For the
first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, 37
States, consisting of highly industrialized countries
and countries undergoing the process of transition
to a market economy, have legally binding emission
limitation and reduction commitments. In Doha
in 2012, the Conference of the Parties serving as
the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
adopted an amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, which
establishes the second commitment period under
the Protocol. The ultimate objective of both treaties
is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the
atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous
human interference with the climate system.
The United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), established in 1972, is the voice for the en-
vironment within the United Nations system. UNEP
acts as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator
to promote the wise use and sustainable develop-
ment of the global environment. To accomplish this,
UNEP works with a wide range of partners, includ-
ing United Nations entities, international organiza-
tions, national governments, non-governmental
organizations, the private sector and civil society.
The World Resources Institute (WRI) is a think tank
that focuses on the intersection of the environment
and socioeconomic development. WRI goes beyond
research to put ideas into action, working glob-
ally with governments, business, and civil society
to build transformative solutions that protect the
earth and improve people’s lives.
CDP is an independent not-for-profit organization
providing the only global system for companies and
cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital
environmental information. Over 4,400 organisa-
tions across the world’s largest economies now
measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emis-
sions, and assess their climate change, forest and
water risks and opportunities through CDP, so that
they can set targets and make performance im-
provements. This data is gathered on behalf of 722
institutional investors, holding US$87 trillion in as-
sets. CDP now holds the largest collection globally
of primary climate change, water and forest-risk
information and puts these insights at the heart of
strategic business, investment and policy decisions.
The mission of the WWF, one of the world’s largest
independent conservation organisations, is to stop
the degradation of the planet’s natural environ-
ment and to build a future in which humans live in
harmony with nature. Through its Global Climate
and Energy Initiative, WWF aims to address climate
change by engaging with business, promoting
renewable and sustainable energy, scaling green
finance and working nationally and internationally
on low carbon frameworks.
Ceres is a nonprofit organization mobilizing busi-
ness and investor leadership on climate change,
water scarcity and other sustainability challenges.
Ceres directs the Investor Network on Climate Risk
(INCR), a network of over 100 institutional inves-
tors with collective assets totaling more than $12
trillion. Ceres also directs Business for Innovative
Climate & Energy Policy (BICEP), an advocacy co-
alition of nearly 30 businesses committed to work-
ing with policymakers to pass meaningful energy
and climate legislation.
The Climate group is an independent, not-for-profit
organization working to inspire and catalyze leader-
ship for a Clean Revolution: a low carbon future that
is smarter, better and more prosperous. For all.
Founded in 2004, The Climate Group has operations
in China (Beijing and Hong Kong), Europe, India and
North America.
Launched by the UN Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon in 2007, “Caring for Climate” is the UN
Global Compact, the secretariat of the United Na-
tions Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) and the United Nations Environment
Programme’s (UNEP) initiative aimed at advancing
the role of business in addressing climate change.
It provides a framework for business leaders to
advance practical solutions and help shape public
policy as well as public attitudes. Chief executive
officers who support the statement are prepared to
set goals, develop and expand strategies and prac-
tices, and to publicly disclose emissions as part of
their existing disclosure commitment within the UN
Global Compact framework, that is, the Communi-
cation on Progress. Caring for Climate is endorsed
by over 350 companies from 50 countries.
There are far too many insightful and supportive individuals to mention by name, but this guide benefits
immensely from the candid input from more than 60 individuals from organizations listed in Appendix A. In
addition, we are grateful to Dr. Deborah Gallagher at Duke University and her team of graduate students for
their early contributions to the research. Finally, we wish to thank those who provided valuable support and
feedback on early drafts, including: Benedict Buckley, Denise Leung, Christina DeConcini, Michael Obeiter,
Daryl Ditz, Ashleigh Rich, Kristin Meyer, Assaad Razzouk, Gareth Phillips, Andreea Culian, Ryan Schuchard,
Gretchen Goldman, Ho-Mu Lee, Christine Diamente, Katrina Destree Cochran, Arne Eik, Alejandro Rivera
Becerra, Andrew Park, Curtis Ravenel, Lauren Zelin, Jeffrey Hopkins, Hyacinth Billings, Margaret Fenwick,
Sahar Butt.
Businesses should support and respect the protection of
internationally proclaimed human rights; and
make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the
effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
the effective abolition of child labour; and
the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment
and occupation.
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to
environmental challenges;
undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental
responsibility; and
encourage the development and diffusion of
environmentally friendly technologies.
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms,
including extortion and bribery.
Principle 1
Principle 2
Principle 3
Principle 4
Principle 5
Principle 6
Principle 7
Principle 8
Principle 9
Principle 10
The Ten Principles of the
United Nations Global Compact
The UN Global Compact asks companies to embrace, support and enact,
within their sphere of infuence, a set of core values in the areas of human
rights, labour standards, the environment, and anti-corruption:
Published by Caring for Climate, an initiative jointly
convened by the UN Global Compact, UNFCCC and UNEP.
November 2013
This report is not designed to make the case that climate change—or global warming—is the greatest threat facing the world today. Climate scientists from across the globe, as well as military and economic analysts, have already established the severity of the issue and the scale of the challenge.
And neither is this report designed to make the case that policy responses are needed, or what those policies should look like. More than 190 countries have already agreed—starting back in 1992—that a response to climate change is urgently needed. In 2009, countries further agreed to “take action” to limit warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius.
Instead, this report is designed to help companies inform and accelerate the policies most urgently needed to support a stable global economy. And it is designed to help businesses engage in national and international debates, with a view to contribute to political progress on reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and adapt to disruptions in the global climate system.
Business support and policy endorsements are powerful. They provide trusted perspectives on the economic costs and benefits of policy options. They can also influence others within their industry, supply chain, or customer base.
In the 20 years since countries first recognized the need to act on climate change, many companies and industry groups have engaged in subsequent national and international policy debates. Some have taken defensive positions, protecting business-as-usual. Others have been constructive, looking ahead to the future of their industry and working with policymakers to create the policies needed to support a strong, low-carbon economy. Some have done a mix of both and many others have avoided political debates altogether, choosing to observe silently.
Among signatories to the UN Global Compact, a platform which brings companies together to ensure they align with ten universal principles, there is a mixed record on public policy engagement. Of the 1,700 companies that responded to the UN Global Compact’s Annual Implementation Survey, an annual online survey of Global Impact participants to identify developments related to corporate sustainability, approximately 60 per cent said they publicly advocate for action in relation to the Global Compact principles and/or other UN goals. However, only 30 per cent align traditional government affairs activities, such as lobbying, with their corporate responsibility commitments, such as reducing GHG emissions.